TOS Re-Imagined Federation Dreadnaught TOS Re-Imagined Federation Dreadnaught

(4 votes)
Majestic, 2009-05-30

Here is Majestic's Re-Imagined Federation class Dreadnaught.

I got inspired by many fan designs of the Constitution that have been popping up over at Sci-Fi Meshes and across the internet when Star Trek XI was announced. Here is my version built using parts from my Constitution class remake that currently has only been released as a mesh on MSFC.

Looks pretty good. Worth a look.

Star Trek TOS Re-Imagined Federation Dreadnaught

Hello all, this is my version of a Re-Imagined Federation Dreadnaught. I started work on this design back in early 2008. I started with the Constitution class (naturally) and eventually spawned an entire fleet out of it through the process of kitbashing and minor mesh additions, I am releasing the Federation Dreadnaught and plan to eventually releasing the others.

I have also included Terran and Galactic Order (from Of Gods and Men) versions of this ship. Unfortunately there are no lightmaps, due to them not turning out right and unable to get anyone to assist me in applying them correctly.


All models are original works by me, built from the ground up. The textures were originally by thestresspuppy, whom I got permission from to use and edit back in early 2008. Edits have been done by me to better fit the models and I received some inspiration from Syf. Syf I also credit for helping me when I got stuck with certain parts and giving me valuable feedback and suggestions to lower the poly counts of these vessels. I am lucky to have one of the best modellers in the Armada community as my friend, mentor (when it comes to modelling) and Tri-Administrator of MSFC.

Contact Information

If you need to contact me, by all means feel free to do so. The best method is on Majestic Sci-Fi Central (MSFC), using the private message system. Alternatively you can PM me (Majest) on the Filefront forums. I never check my emails so no point adding it in here.

Usage Conditions

Feel free to edit, kitbash and whatever else you want to with these ships. But you MUST credit everyone involved in it's production including thestresspuppy as the original texture creator and me for the texture edits and models. Also you MUST get my okay before you release the said models in any public release, usually I will be okay, but it's just the polite and right thing to do.

Version  Contest Entry  Author  Majestic  Website  Website external 
Downloads  283  Size  12.78 MB  Created  2009-05-30 



#1 Pizza_the_Hutt 2009-05-31 12:19
That is from star Trek : Of Gods And Men
#2 Majest 2009-05-31 14:25
It's my own design, a remake of the Federation class dreadnaught seen in several creations including ST OGAM. ;-)

It's got no rear deflector dish as I think it's stupid, same with the front i has only one instead of three. :-)
#3 Pizza_the_Hutt 2009-06-01 09:02
I am working on the original TOS Federation Dreadnought. I am hoping to have it up in a week or two.

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