TOS Pelham Class Construction TOS Pelham Class Construction

(2 votes)
Wildcard621, 2010-02-07

The Pelham class is an oddity. A TOS construction ship. Relatively speaking, we don't have very many TOS ships at all so it's always nice to see a ship round out the collection a bit more. However, from memory and a quick look in the ships archive I don't think we actually have a TOS construction ship at all.

This therefore is actually quite significant, as it allows you to finish off a TOS fleet. Of course, we can't actually produce a contemporary fleet for the TOS federation to face off against, but that's hardly this ships fault.

The ship looks similar to a Miranda with the nacelles mounted sideways instead of vertically and fits in with TOS designs very nicely, managing to tread the fine line between being nicely detailed and not looking to advanced for it's time. All in all, this is an excellent ship well worth downloading if you have a TOS side.

- Freyr

From the author:-

Pelham Class Construction Ship

I've often wondered about construction ships for the TOS era, and what they may look like in the Armada II world. Out of all the designs for cannon ships out there, I decided on a retro Oberth type hull, with the nacelles connected directly to the primary hull, engineering conducted in a secondary hull and a large enough saucer-type section to hold not only the impulse drive but hangars large enough to hold not only shuttlecraft but workbees and materials therein to construct stations, yards and the like.

Unfortunately the working copy of Armada that I had on this laptop is gone. I thought I had a boot sector virus which caused my DVD drive to pop open and not operate, so I did a back up and a OS restore, and I cannot install another copy nor play one because I am now without a DVD drive and dont have a spare external drive. So no screenies :-( . All I have is a Storm Viewer shot.

I was watching 'The Taking of Pelham One Two Three', and the name and numbers rolled around in my head, which is where I got the name and the registry from (NCC-123). For all you serious Trek enthusiasts out there, the registry may belong to another vessel, just keep in mind this is not a canon vessel, nor a canon world, just made for fun!

Although there is mention of Type 1 Shuttles onboard, this model does not include any, just noteworthy information to suggest the size of the vessel and its mission.

I want to thank Lord Schtupp for his great textures, since I am not good at all with them, I just

rearranged them for a decent A2 tga palette. The textures are 1024x1024 so as to make a decent

looking ship. I dont think you will be building an armada of construction vessels, so the texture

size should not impact your pc's performance.

There is the blank registry version and the hero ship version included here, along with the

Milkshape model and a 3DS model for those without Milkshape.

So here are the specs:
The Pelham class construction ship, launched in 2255, years before the first Constitution class

starship was launched. The Pelham has launchpoints for six workbees, and can hold five Type 1

shuttlecraft. She also has phasers and photon torpedoes for defense.
-1024 x 1024 TGA texture alpha channel/light maps
-64 x 64 TGA buildbutton
-64 X 64 TGA wireframe
-1434 polies
-Wireframes: yes
-Buildbuttons: yes
-Adm.Pics: yes

Install instructions:
<First BACKUP the files of your STAR TREK: ARMADA II game!>

Copy the ODF files into your ODF folder:

Copy the SOD files into the SOD folder.
Copy the TGA Files into the Textures/RGB folder.

note:if the model is either too big or too small and not to scale, just edit the line in the ODF

that states:

ScaleSOD =0.5

raising or lowering the number with increase or decrease the size of the model. Since I have

nothing to compare it too, alter at your own liking.

Open "gui_global.spr" and insert:

b_ftosconst gbftosconst 0 0 64 64
b_ftospelham gbftospelham 0 0 64 64

Look for:
# Federation wireframes

At the last entry, add:
# Federation wireframes

ftosconstw1 ftosconstwf 0 0 64 64
ftospelhamw1 ftosconstwf 0 0 64 64

Insert in "tech1":

ftosconst.odf 0
ftospelham.odf 0

Open "" and insert the following lines:

ftosconst.odf 0
ftospelham.odf 0

Open odf--->ships
and insert:

buildItemX = "ftosconst"
buildItemX = "ftospelham"

(replace X with a number)

I only made the ships, the weapons are extra, put in anything you want. Just remember the

hardpoint info:

hp01-phaser and photon torpedoes
hp02-05 pri hull
hp06-11 engines
hp13-20 secondary hull
bot1-bot6 launchpoints for workbees



Copyright and Distribution Permissions
Star Trek, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation,
Star Trek: Voyager, Enterprise are copyright by Paramount Pictures or CBS.

Ship concept, mesh, hardpoints, buildbutton, odf, wireframe by:

Using textures by:
Lord Schtupp (Modified for A2 by Wildcard621)

This model is created as a hobby and is free to be used for any private, non-commercial purposes.

Please give credit to those listed above if you intend to alter it and publish it in any way!

Feel free to alter it in any way!

Version  1.0  Author  Wildcard621  Website   
Downloads  174  Size  1.54 MB  Created  2010-02-07 



#1 Omega_Mod_God 2010-02-11 11:03
Really nice........ now I am beginning to wonder what made TOS ships get out of the low poly zone. :P
#2 wildcard621 2010-02-12 06:23
Whats funny is I dont know how I flagged that as high poly, I believe it is under 1200+ polys...oh well! I think I made a boo boo.
#3 Freyr 2010-02-16 06:59
No problem, moving something doesn't take long when it works properly. (which it did in this case)

It's now sitting in "Ships > Federation > ENT, TOS and TMP:"

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