Star Trek XI 2009 Enterprise Star Trek XI 2009 Enterprise

(10 votes)
Merough, 2011-01-25

This is the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 like seen in Star Trek (2009). I used the textures from Wiley Coyote, rearranged them and put them onto my own model of the ship. This pack has a build button, wireframe, weapon ODFs, texes and sound FX and much more! I even wrote a Point Defense Laser special weapon so it could fire on torpedos like in the movie. As Wiley Coyotes textures were made for a highly detailed ship, I had to draw one or two things myself using paint. If you examine each TGA you might find some details I left out, but in general it should be to everybodys satisfaction.

The screenshots were made by Jetfreak, except the first five, as Jet's version differs a little from my final model.
Anyway, the important thing is:

If you like the ship: DOWNLOAD! And fly around with it, marveling at its beauty.
If you dislike the ship: DOWNLOAD! And BLOW IT UP!!! Let your anger run free!

Have fun! Wink


#Star Trek XI 2009 Enterprise#

Back then when Beginner made his great recreation of this ship, information was scarce.
Very few pictures were on the internet and even today there are no official orthographics to base the
proportions on. But at least we can watch the DVD now and lots of web pages offer tremendous shots
from the movie. So with all we got NOW I thought it is time for yet another update, after Jetfreak and
thunderfoot006 already posted a new set of textures a while ago.

So here is my version of the ship. I made the model and all the ODFs. However, Textures, sounds and
screenshots (except the first 5) were done by some great other modders who I feel very grateful for.

When I went to write this readme I first had a huge text in mind explaining how I feel about the ship,
how I hated it when I first saw it and how it grew on me until I found myself marveling at the design.
However, I will just spare you guys that, and only want to remind the few people that Star Trek is not
a mathematical equation that has to add up. It is art, entertainment, a message and so much more ...
than just a bunch of (fictitious) facts. But there were people against the London Eye when it was built,
there were people against the Eiffel Tower when it was built, ...
anyway, everyone may have their opinion. And: ...

If you like the ship: DOWNLOAD! And fly around with it, marveling at its beauty.
If you dislike the ship: DOWNLOAD! And BLOW IT UP!!! Let your anger run free!

- SOD done by me, Merough with a poly-count of 3398
- ODFs Merough
- ship textures Wiley Coyote, a few modifications to them by Jetfreak and me
- weapons textures by Jetfreak
- wireframe Merough
- build button Merough
- AdmiralsLog Picture Merough
- weapon sound effects L809 aka NX 809
- screenshots Jetfreak - I asked him to do some for me in his magnificent way

To use my original model you might want to get "Nu Lites - Running Lights Mod and Addon" by FahreS. -->;97031

This will enable the double blinkers around the saucer. I decreased the time between the blinkers.
If you want to do that too, go to Sprites/animation and change: ...

# Double blink by FahreS
@animation fwstrobe3
draw 9 5 linear
0.0 1
0.3 0
0.5 1
0.8 0
1.0 0
1.5 0
2.0 0
3.0 0
5.0 0

... to: ...

# Double blink by FahreS
@animation fwstrobe3
draw 7 2 linear
//draw 9 5 linear
0.0 1
0.3 0
0.5 1
0.8 0
1.0 0
1.5 0
2.0 0
//3.0 0
//5.0 0

HOWEVER, there is also a lightless SOD in the so-called directory for all those who are not so fond of lights.
In any case, neither of those SODs cause a stock game to crash!!!

I always thought the fade-out effect to be extremely annoying, so to all those
who don't know yet how to fix this:
It is in RTS_CFG almost at the bottom:

// should we fade out craft that get too close to the camera?
int cfgFADE_OUT_ENABLED = 1;

if you set it to 0 this problem is solved.

#INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS#///////////////////////////////////////

copy and paste all the odf's into their corresponding directories.
If you want the German odf, just delete the -DEU at the end and copy those.

Go to the odf station directory and open "fyard.odf" and search for the lines: ...

//Construction Parameters
buildItem0 = "fscout"
buildItem1 = "fdestroy2"
buildItem2 = "fdestroy"
buildItem3 = "fcolony"
buildItem4 = "fcruise1"
buildItem5 = "fcruise3"
buildItem6 = "fassault"
buildItem7 = "fcruise2"

... and add below: ...

buildItem8 = "f-arent"

... I think I don't have to explain this step to those already familiar
with this procedure, but it's here for the sake of completeness.


Copy and paste all of the textures into the Textures/RGB directory.

Find in sprites/weapon.spr the lines: ...

# End new weapons


... they got all the torpedos here, so keep looking for: ...

# Federation Photon torpedo
wphoton wftorp 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4

... and add: ...

# Alternate Reality Federation Constitution class Torpedo
wfarconphot Wfbluetorp 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4

... beneath. Now only the phaser is missing, so scoll down again to the line: ...

# Species 8472 phaser (bio pulse)
spphaser spphaser 0 0 150 64 @anim=spphaser_u @anim=spphaser_v @tile_u

... and copy-paste: ...

ARconphaser wfarconphaser 0 0 150 64 @anim=spphaser_u @anim=spphaser_v @tile_u

still in sprites, open "gui_global" und look for the federation buildbuttons: ...

# Federation build buttons

b_fbattle gbfbld100 0 0 64 64
b_fente gbfbld100 0 0 64 64
b_fedpod1 gbfpod100 0 0 64 64
b_fedpod2 gbfpod100 64 0 64 64
b_fedpod3 gbfpod100 0 64 64 64

... somewhere in there or at the end of the end of the list add: ...

b_f-arent gbf-arent 0 0 64 64

... after the Species 8472 build buttons there are the special weapon buttons introduced by the line: ...

# Special weapon buttons


... below that paste: ...

b_gpdphaserar gbpdl00 0 0 64 64

... now keep scrolling down until you find the wireframes: ...

# Federation wireframes


fbattlew1 fedwireframe01 0 0 48 48
fbattlew2 fedwireframe01 48 0 48 48
fbattlew3 fedwireframe01 96 0 48 48
fbattlew4 fedwireframe01 144 0 48 48
fbattlew5 fedwireframe01 192 0 48 48

... and add below: ...

f-arentw1 fARwireframe 0 0 48 48
f-arentw2 fARwireframe 48 0 48 48
f-arentw3 fARwireframe 96 0 48 48
f-arentw4 fARwireframe 144 0 48 48
f-arentw5 fARwireframe 192 0 48 48

#Tech Trees#//////////////////////////////////////////////////////

open the directory "techtree" and add in "fulltech" and in "tech1": ...

f-arent.odf 0

... as well as the special weapon: ...

gpdphaserar.odf 0 // point defense laser (AR Enterprise)

Make sure you also copied the SOD, WAVs, bitmaps and all that other stuff into your game.

That should be it!

If somebody wishes to include my work in their mod, they may very well do so
but I would like to know where my stuff is going so please contact me at:

As I don't know of any bugs in this mod I take no responsibilty for any harm that is done to
your Armada II Install or your computer. What I can do is respond to hints and help if possible.

I thank:

Wiley Coyote for his textures (

Jetfreak for his suggestions and other textures (

L809 aka NX 809 for the weapon sounds he released to BCfiles (

FahreS for help and advice any time

I also tried to contact Fireball for his torpedo textures from his Constitution class,
but he has not answered yet. I just thought if you turn the tex by 90 degrees
it looks just like in the movie ...


Copyright notices: Star Trek, Star Trek Armada II, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation,
Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures,
as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.
This patch is released for entertainment purposes only.
No profit or commercial useage is intended or allowed.

One last thing!

If you want to mess around with the ODF ... I have a general rule how I set my hardpoints.
Of course every ship is different and this list will not always apply perfectly,
but most of the time it will be like this:

Bridge = hp01
Warpfield Generators = hp02 hp03 (nacelles and stuff)
Impulse Drive = hp03 hp04
Power Distribution Network = hp06 hp07 (basically all parts that link other things, like pylons)
Environmental Systems = hp08 hp09 (imagine some control room on deck: "whatever")
Internal Force Field System = hp10
Phaser Energy Generator = hp11 hp12 hp13 (like batteries, not yet emitters!)
Torpedo Firing Control = hp14
Deflector = hp15 hp16
Hull Shield Emitters = hp17 hp18 hp19
Sensor Array = hp20 hp21 hp22 hp23
Hull = hp24 hp25 hp26 hp27 hp28
Tractor Beam Emitters = hp29 hp30
Torpedo Launcher = hp31 ... (and as many more as there are)
Phaser Emitters/Disruptor Cannons = ... (all hps following the torpedo hps)

... that leads to the following:

// Hardpoints to hit for various systems and other locations.
enginesTargetHardpoints = "hp02" "hp03" "hp04" "hp05" "hp06" "hp07"
lifeSupportTargetHardpoints = "hp01" "hp08" "hp09" "hp10"
weaponsTargetHardpoints = "hp01" "hp11" "hp12" "hp13" "hp14" "hp30" "hp31"
shieldGeneratorTargetHardpoints = "hp15" "hp16" "hp17" "hp18" "hp19"
sensorsTargetHardpoints = "hp01" "hp15" "hp16" "hp20" "hp21" "hp22" "hp23"
hullTargetHardpoints = "hp24" "hp25" "hp26" "hp27" "hp28"
criticalTargetHardpoints = "hp01" "hp09" "hp10" "hp11" "hp18" "hp27" "hp28"

*/ / / / / / / / / / / / /*
*/ / / / / / / / / / / / /*

Version  1.0  Author  Merough  Website   
Downloads  817  Size  5.86 MB  Created  2011-01-25 



#11 Muxa 2011-06-08 06:42
I quickly installed it into a clean stock game and everything was fine. You might want to check whether you followed all the steps in the readme, so not to miss a line you would need to put into the weapon.spr or into the techtrees.

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