Star Trek (2009) Constitution Class Pack Star Trek (2009) Constitution Class Pack

(3 votes)
Jetfreak, 2009-11-21

This is a joint project between Jetfreak and thunderfoot006 which upgrades the previously-released Beginner/Amateur mod of the Star Trek (2009) Constitution class starship. To call it an upgrade is an understatement, as this is more like a wholly new take on the Ryan Church design.

It's definitely worth a download, but be advised: any comments not related to the mod, but to the ship/movie, will be edited or deleted.


Star Trek (2009) Constitution Pack
A joint project by Jetfreak and Thunderfoot


Hey, Y'all! Thunderfoot here. Over on the Forums, I announced what I was calling, my 'little side project'. It was an udate and improving of the looks of Beginner/Amateur's ST:XI Connie Class. I liked the ship but thought she could look better with a little effort on my part. So I started cutting and pasting textures from WileyCoyote's BC version onto Beginner's texturs to make everything match up and improve her looks.

I contacted Jetfreak to ask for some assitance since I'd never tried to redo textures before. He got interested and began redoing the textures as well.

Well, you all know just what a superb artist he is and the final textures set he came up with are much better than the set I did. So I decided to concentrate on some alternate registries instead. I also decided to try and make this a full blown mod, instead of just a retexture. I did a build button, a wireframe and a few other things to make the ship function fully ingame. I've also included an update to the Editor Menus, so any of these can be added as map units.


Jet here, we are proud to present this ship pack no doubt. Featuring the equally hated and loved Constitution design from the new film, we had a lot of fun revamping this model and the results are equally satisfying. Using tons of reference photos around the web, we did our best trying to match what was seen on the film. Seeing as we are both big fans and are very supportive of STXI, you all saw this coming.

Oh, and a side note to the haters. You will find that we have little tolerance for such petty issues regarding the design. Keep them to yourself please. We have had enough already. Take heed of Kirk's words: "Young minds, fresh ideas. BE TOLERANT."

Putting that aside, I hope you peeps enjoy. :)


"The accused will please rise and stand while judgement is passed."

Gene Roddenberry - For creating an eduring franchise and for giving us such a cool place to play.
JJ Abrams and Ryan Church - For boldly going where no one dared to. Giving Trek a new lease on life.
Beginner/Amateur - For the original model.
WileyCoyote - For the textures of his truly magnificent BC model, without which there would have been no way to do this.
Gus - For his immensely detailed Enterprise Blueprints and Schematics.
Ariane - For the STXI Screencaps for the best on screen reference.
Jetfreak - For half of everything in this mod.
Thunderfoot - Was responsible for the other half.
YOU! - YES! YOU! Stand still, why don't you? For D/Ling this. (Please note the obligatory hackneyed Pink Floyd reference is now over.)


A reskinning and improvement update of Beginner/Amateur's ST:XI Connie


Tested for comapability with PP1.2.5 or FLOPs.


None we're aware of. As long as you follow the Installation Instructions.


There are a great many things in this mod which belong to other people. For permission to include their stuff in your mod, please check the Credits section for whom did what and then contact them directly. Due to this being a group project, sort of, permission must be secured prior to including this mod as it is currently in anything Armada related you are planning on releasing publicly. A lack of response does NOT indicate you have permission to do as you please. Contacting either myself or Jetfreak is not that difficult. We do try to answer emails or PM's as soon as possible.


THIS PATCH IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION TM & (C) ACTIVISION & PARAMOUNT PICTURCES. Copyright notices: Star Trek, Star Trek Armada II, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures, as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions. This patch is released for entertainment purposes only. No profit or commercial useage is intended or allowed.

Version    Author  Jetfreak  Website  Website external 
Downloads  814  Size  10.98 MB  Created  2009-11-21 



#11 MrIrksome 2009-11-25 09:41
You're very correct Thunderfoot. I haven't posted any mods. I'm a crappy modder. so far my ability is pretty much limited to tinkering with odf files. I see no need to post stuff like that. I apologize to you and jetfreak if you think that I was saying your work was bad. I think you both did great work. I am actually pretty impressed.

My opinion is that the movie design is ugly. Your right, about my opinion is outnumbered as far as all those star trek fans out there thinking it looks great. I guess that's why I'm so vocal about it. I was looking forward to seeing the original design on the big screen. I feel that J.J. Abrams ripped us all off with the new designs and the erasure of all the already written time line. That's why I said the ship is ugly. I know I shared my thoughts the wrong way, but I hope that this clarifies it.
#12 thunderfoot007 2009-11-26 09:02
I understand you are unhappy with the movie. Completely. And I really should have found a much more tactful way to express my response. I'd like to apologize for being so brutal. But please understand Jetfreak and I put a lot of time and effort into this. First time I've ever done a retexture so it is a new area of modding for me. I share the mods I make with people because I can. Not because I have to. To have my work met with negativity, epsecially negativity which really should be directed somewhere else, is very discouraging. I dislike my mod being used as the platform for people to announce publicly one more time to the rest of us just how badly they hate everything about this movie. We heard you the first time. And we were paying attention. But I'd like to remind you it is OUR Star Trek as well. I have some very strong opinions about TNG, DS9, VOY and ENT. I choose to keep those opinions to myself because not everyone views these the way I do.

Why should I release the Improved Single Player Campaign, version 2.0 here? It is all done and complete and packaged ready to go. I also have all of the BSG Passenger Liners Coxxon did in a pack with a fully functional Jump Drive which works very well. I also have about fifteen or twenty maps packed up and ready for public release. But if our version of this ship gets commented on the way it was, where is the incentive for releasing anything else I have done? Not trying to be difficult here or blackmail anyone into pretending to like my stuff at all. But it is very discouraging to get the opposite response to the one I expected. And just ike everyone else, eventually I will stop trying because the result is not worth the effort.

There are mods released here which I do not like. I fail to see the need to publicly dump all over someone's work because of this. They made something during their free time and then shared it with the rest of us. They are entitled to my public respect for these facts alone. That I dislike the mod, or the subject matter, or the person at this point is irrelevant. .
#13 Palmer_Armada 2009-11-26 15:16
Two quick questions.

1. I do not see any SOD files in the download. Are these referred to as something else?

2. Where are these ships built from now?

#14 thunderfoot007 2009-11-26 19:27
The SOD files can be found here:;100078

As to where can the ships be built from, you can add this line to any starbase or shipyard

buildItemXX = "fConsti"

Look for the entries in the ODF which are similar to this one. Add this line below them. Change the "XX" to the next number in sequence. If the last entry is buildItem7, then the XX for this one will be 8. You cannot build more than 14 ships from one starbase or shipyard.
#15 apoclaydon 2009-11-28 02:23
very nice i may try to get the mesh lower polies tho as if i remember its a lil high
#16 sabbatdark 2009-11-28 10:47
when i saw the redesigned constitution, it was love at first sight. i can't wait to install this ingame.
#17 ISS_Enterprise_D 2009-12-02 16:41
I honestly have to say that this file has made me change my opinion of the new Star Trek's Enterprise. At first, when I saw it in trailers, pics, etc., I have to say that it looked horrible, with areas bloated all over it and everything. When I went over models released over on BC and Legacy, my harshness of it softened a bit, especially when I saw hybrids between this new one and the original.

When I saw this release, however, negative thoughts went away completely. The ship's majesticness (don't know if that's a real word or not) went just under, if not on par with, the original Connie. Ingame, she fits right alongside some of the other awesome Federation ship models I have.

This work is REALLY great, you two. I hope this release is the beginning of a beautiful partnership between you two in the future.
#18 rammenstein2525 2009-12-19 05:16
I don't know if I'm the only person who's been having this problem, but every time I try to add the necessary lines to the weapons.spr file, it doesn't let me save said file.
#19 rammenstein2525 2009-12-19 05:24
Wait, nevermind. I managed to figure out a way. Kinda roundabout, but it worked.

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