Shelley class pack Shelley class pack

(2 votes)
Pizza the Hutt, 2008-08-06

One of the more controversially purposed ships in the Star Trek universe is the ship class alternately known as either the Curry class or the Shelley class. A rather bizarre addition to the backdrop in "A Time To Stand" (DS9), the ship consisted of a mostly-Excelsior design (I've referred to it in the past as "an Excelsior with its head up its butt") sporting a pair of Miranda/Constitution style nacelles on the side. Things weren't helped any by a second addition of this ship, in a subsequent scene, with the nacelles in a different position, and a third appearance with the hull re-positioned to be "tucked in" a little better.

I've seen this ship, in Armada II, at least, being put to a series of uses that make it clear that nobody knows precisely what the heck this thing is for. Its long-body design, perhaps due to its reminiscence of a Great Lakes freighter, has seen it used as a cargo ship. Still others have used it as an assault transport. Also I've seen it employed as an artillery ship, apparently its overall redesign intended to mount some tricobalt or other long-range launchers. But the most prevalent idea for this ship's employment is as a through-deck carrier of the simple, kitbash variety. Something along the lines of an escort carrier, in modern naval terms.

Pizza the Hutt has done some really intensive thinking about the issue (if the readme is any indication) and given us ALL THREE variants of the vessel. That's right-- three different kitbashes in a single package deal. One of these ships, the USS Shelley ---how appropriate that one of many "Frankenstein ships" out there is named for that novel's author-- is designed as a carrier, and Pizza the Hutt supplies an old Hornet fighter from SFC days for its exclusive use. There's also the unfortunately named USS Raging Queen (its name derived from a Saturday Night Live skit that, like so much of SNL, is otherwise long forgotten), which launches Type 4 shuttlecraft (a kitbash of Pizza the Hutt's own design) and serves as an assault transport. The USS Curry that's included, well, it just fits the bill.

As with the rest of Pizza the Hutt's work, there's no lightmaps, but there are build buttons, wireframes, and other important details. This is a nice little package, and for the Starfleet completist who needs every canon or semi-canon or should-be-canon vessel out there in the mod community ---such as myself--- this mod is a must-have.

Worth a look.


Shellley class pack by Pizza the Hutt

USS Curry
This is the ship we saw in the DS9 Episode "A time to stand".

USS Raging Queen
This Ship is modeled after a plastic model shown on the Ex Astris Scientia page.

-my versions of the Curry and the Raging Queen serve as troop transports. They can also
deploy Type 4 shuttlecraft.

USS Shelley
This version is how I envision the ship. I think that this ship class was built completely
with Excelsior parts around the same time as the Excelsior class.
The Curry and Raging Queen variants came about when those ship's nacelles
got blasted off in a Dominion attack. They were both towed back to the next starbase and
patched up with whatever parts were available. Since it took too long to replicate*
Excelsior nacelles, the engineers in charge decided to use the nacelles of two damaged
beyond repair Mirandas.

-My version for ArmadaII serves as a carrier which can deploy small starfighters.

Hornet Starfighter
This is basically the fighter from Starfleet Command ported into Armada II.

Type 4 Shuttle
I created this shuttle to bridge the gap between the shuttles used on the refitted
Constitution class and the ones used in TNG. The Type 4 belongs to the Excelsior Class
and similar ship classes from that era (Centaur, Medusa, Shelley).
This shuttle is a kitbash from the Type 6 shuttle from Bridge Commander. I modified the
body of the shuttle to look like a cross between the Type3 Shuttle from STIV and the
Type 6 shuttle from TNG. I also gave it new nacelles, which are a smaller and stubbier
variant of those used on the Excelsior class.

Due to its small size, the shuttle can sneak between asteroids. It is also equipped with a
powerfull tractor beam.

* You might replicate a cup of tea within fractions of a second, but I assume
something as large and complex as a starship nacelle might take a few days. Otherwise Starfleet
could crank out entire fleets in a matter of days. I guess they are replicated in smaller parts
and then assembled in a space dock.

Known flaws: wireframe not perfect, damage textures not correct.


Copy the files with the extension .sod into the SOD folder
Copy the .tga files into the Textures > RGB folder
Copy the files with the extension .odf into the ODF > ships folder
Copy the files with the extension .bmp into the Bitmaps > Admiralslog folder

Open the file fyard2.odf or fyard.odf (whichever shipyard you want the ship
To be built from) and insert the line: buildItemXX = "fshelley" under
build Parameters below the last ship to be build
XX being the next unused number
then do the same with frq and fcurry

Save that file

Open "tech 1" from the Techtree folder and insert this line:

fcurry.odf 1 fyard2.odf // Curry class
fshelley.odf 1 fyard2.odf //Shelley type variant
frq.odf 1 fyard2.odf //Raging Queen type variant

Save this file, open "" and insert the following line

fcurry.odf 0
fshelley.odf 0
frq.odf 0

Then save and open "GUI_global.spr" from the sprites folder

Then add this line under federation build buttons:

b_curry gbfcurry 0 0 64 64
b_shelley gbfshelley 0 0 64 64
b_rq gbrq 0 0 64 64

There is a wire frame, it is not perfect, but at least there is one
just add this line into the gui global under wireframes


fshelleyw1 fshelleywire 0 0 48 48
fshelleyw2 fshelleywire 48 0 48 48
fshelleyw3 fshelleywire 96 0 48 48
fshelleyw4 fshelleywire 144 0 48 48
fshelleyw5 fshelleywire 192 0 48 48

fcurryw1 fcurrywire 0 0 48 48
fcurryw2 fcurrywire 48 0 48 48
fcurryw3 fcurrywire 96 0 48 48
fcurryw4 fcurrywire 144 0 48 48
fcurryw5 fcurrywire 192 0 48 48

frqw1 frqwire 0 0 48 48
frqw2 frqwire 48 0 48 48
frqw3 frqwire 96 0 48 48
frqw4 frqwire 144 0 48 48
frqw5 frqwire 192 0 48 48

The Shelley, Curry, and Raging Queen are kitbashes of P81's Excelsior and Miranda.
The shuttle is a kitbash of the Bridge Commander Shuttle by Activision and P81's Excelsior
The fighter is from Starfleet Command by Taldren
Background Information: Ex Astris Scientia

Please read the following for further information:

Thank you for downloading this ship.

You are allowed to include it in your mod.

Have fun!!!

Pizza the Hutt

Version    Author  Pizza the Hutt  Website   
Downloads  354  Size  3.78 MB  Created  2008-08-06 



#1 CanadianBorg 2008-08-06 08:23
Is that the Federation fighter from SFC2 in the fifth picture? I was actually considering making a refit carrier for it. (A refit carrier is a TMP ship refitted for TNG-era carrier duty).
#2 theStarfleetKid 2008-08-06 09:42
@ #2 - Yes, it's the Hornet fighter. I don't write those reviews just to tell jokes. Well, maybe I do.

#3 Pizza_the_Hutt 2008-08-06 10:01
I am a starfleet completist myself and my goal is to make every canon or semi-canon or should-be-canon vessel that has not been made by another modder. My time is the only limit.
#4 Chief_Chainsaw 2008-08-06 18:37
Awesome set, I like all 3 models, I have 2 models already that cover the variation in lower hull positioning, but I hadn't had any luck finding the nacelle differences previously. This will complete that set for sure! Yet again I just wish this was lit, it's gonna disapear on my maps due to the lighting. But except for the lighting, another great addition to the game!
#5 adm_tyler 2008-08-06 19:42
The Shelly Class is so hideous I have to download it as fast as I can (with altered ingame use, of course).
#6 Transmission 2008-08-08 13:26
Even though the designs are ugly (a fault of the show producers) the idea behind this pack is a very good one. Could have sworn we were missing one though.. maybe thats just me though..

Good Job! :-)
#7 Pizza_the_Hutt 2008-08-08 20:49
Let me know if you find out which one is missing
#8 Supreme_Hunter_Guyver 2008-09-06 15:06
what lovely ship is in the 6th picture in the bottom right hand corner screen?
#9 Chief_Chainsaw 2009-04-22 11:40
I've seen pictures on the net of a fourth style that elongated the engineering hull more, as in the bulky part of the lower hull extended back more instead of tapering so soon, to me that design would be much better for the purposes of cargo ship, carrier, or assault ship as it's capacity would increase greatly, too bad it didn't dawn on the show's producers to build that concept. That might be a good fourth ship to add in a future re-release of this pack? Maybe with lightmaps? *hint hint, nudge nudge* Don't make me beg.

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