Oberth Class Oberth Class

(2 votes)
FIREBALL_IV, 2009-02-13

It's been a while since we've seen any new content featuring the Oberth class starship. There's a reason for this: Oberth class starships tend to be victims. And A2 has little compassion for victims.

This one includes all the fixings you'd expect (build button, wireframe, stock weapons, admirals' log) and a pretty little model to go along with it.

Worth a look.


Oberth Class by Michael/Fireball

This is another one of my ships thats become old and will probably be redone in some time. This is the Oberth class vessel that was origionall created with intentions of being in Dawn Of War.
Contained within this mod is a build button, admirals log pic and wireframe. The weapons use stock sprites, sounds and textures. The ship is very lightly armoured and armed, although in
giant packs they can be dangerous against lighter ships.

Whats Included
odf - yes
button - yes
wireframe - yes
admirals log - yes
install instructions - yes

model/mesh - fireball/mike
textures - fireball/mike
build buttons, wires and weapons - fireball/mike


Drag and drop the contents of the ZIP file directly
into your Armada II directory to add the new files
to your game.

now open your gui_global.spr

under federation build buttons
and under

put this line

b_Foberth gbfoberth 0 0 64 64

then go all the way down to federation wireframes,

put this line

Foberthw1 wfoberth 160 0 80 80
Foberthw2 wfoberth 0 80 80 80
Foberthw3 wfoberth 80 80 80 80
Foberthw4 wfoberth 80 0 80 80
Foberthw5 wfoberth 0 0 80 80


Go to your ODF folder in the base Armada II directory.
Proceed to the Stations folder.
Open the ODF of a shipyard of your choice
and add the Churchill to build there

(x representing the build item)

buildItemx = "foberth"

Go to the techtree folder in the Armada II directory.
Open tech1.tt
Look under federation ships
and put the following line:

foberth.odf 0


and after that all you have to do is sit back and enjoy :)

- Fireball

I am not responsible for any damage this may cause to your system.
If your have problems, are looking for permission to use my mod or would like to alter it and put it in your mod you can contact me at:

furious_fireball_101@yahoo.ca or via Armada2files.com

This is an Armada 2 only mod.

Version    Author  FIREBALL_IV  Website   
Downloads  155  Size  1.19 MB  Created  2009-02-13 



#1 Vice_Admiral_Svar 2009-02-13 20:13
What ship is that below the Oberth in the second screenie?
#2 FIREBALL_IV 2009-02-13 21:03
The Churchill class..

You can find it on the main page where the recent downloads are...
#3 WerdBorg 2009-02-13 22:58
Pretty Good 8/10

Minus one for Slightly being off on the model (Details)

Minus one for Slightly blocky textures

Other than that its pretty good :thumbsup:

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