NX-Refit NX-Refit

(3 votes)
Major A Payne, 2011-10-15

This release is a realitvely high poly model (6447) so may have some lag problems on lower end systems. The file should be unzipped to keep the folder structure intact. The files contained are as follows:

- Standard cross compatible (usable in both A1 and A2) SOD file.
- 8 Supported texture files (512*512 pixel sized TGA files. No lightmap support due to compatibility with Armada 1)
- A1 and A2 based stock build buttons with additional JPG image (64*64 pixel) for converting to TGA wireframe or remaking new button.
- Hardpoint layout text file. This model has 75 hardpoints and this file gives details of best optomized for such things as weapons, criticals and special weapons.
- Main Readme file. Contains general and credit information.
- Sub Folder. Contains three edited textures to include TMP based style weapons points.
- Sub Folder. Contains four edited textures to include TNG based style weapons points.


Enterprise series "NX-Refit" Concept Refit
With a heavily upgraded spaceframe and 24 months in overhaul status the NX class starship has seen much in the way of refits, but none more dramatic than the NX-refit which was launched in 2164. The ship itself had gained an extensive secondary engineering hull which contained a "sled" capability to launch the warp core pod incase of a warp core breach. The defensive and offensive systems of the ship were completely replaced. The polarized hull plating was removed and, thanks to Vulcan engineering a high capacity shield grid, installed throughout the ship. The ships Phase canons were also removed and much a set of high yield particle phaser turrets installed. These gave the ship a far greater protection in times of combat. Finally the ship had a new consignment of specialised photon torpedos which were capable of higher yields than previous versions. The ships grappling hooks were removed and replaced with a Vulcan tractor beam. Finally the original NX01s main deflector became a secondary deflector and communications array which enabled the ship to operate two independant systems without any problems. Although much of this was tried and tested technology there were a few teething problems. With its upgraded engines the NX was now able to break warp 7 although the initial tests were shakey to say the least and in the first weapon test the ship nearly blew itself apart due to faulty power relays, the ships minor shortfalls were sorted and it remained in service for many years. To date there have been six of the class launched with two spaceframes in readiness.

- Original NX refit concept and design done by Doug Drexler.
- BC version originally created by baz1701 (available through BCfiles.com)
- This medium poly model rebuild done by Major A Payne. Textures from original were edited and combined where necessary (this was due to the original BC version featuring 2048*2048 TGAs and reducing the size of these would severaly effect quality of final product). Minor editing to include one section from Pneumonic81's NX01 released for SFC3 (this section is identified on MAPnx05.tga in bottom left corner and has been applied to main supports). Additional texture edits to include "phaser" style decals from both TMP and TNG eras.

Version    Author  Major A Payne  Website   
Downloads  335  Size  3.39 MB  Created  2011-10-15 


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