Merced class light cruiser Merced class light cruiser

(3 votes)
Pizza the Hutt, 2010-11-07

The Merced class is one of those ships that have been mentioned, but never shown on screen. There are several non-canon designs, and this is my own personal take on this ship. I decided to combine two of the most elegant Starfleet ships, the Excelsior and the Miranda class (using excellent meshes/textures by P81 of both ships) into something that would be an Excelsior-style successor to the Miranda class.


Copy the file fmerced.sod into the SOD folder
Copy the .tga files into the Textures > RGB folder
Copy the file fmerced.odf into the ODF > ships folder
Copy the file fmerced.bmp into the Bitmaps > Admiralslog folder

Open the file fyard2.odf or fyard.odf (whichever shipyard you want the ship
To be built from) and insert the line: buildItemXX = "fmerced" under
build Parameters below the last ship to be build
XX being the next unused number

Save that file

Open "tech 1" from the Techtree folder and insert this line:

fmerced.odf 1 fyard2.odf // merced class

Save this file, open "" and insert the following line

fmerced.odf 0

Then save and open "GUI_global.spr" from the sprites folder

Then add this line under federation build buttons:

b_fmerced gbfmerced 0 0 64 64

Add this under:


fmercedw1 fmercedwire 40 0 40 40
fmercedw2 fmercedwire 0 40 40 40
fmercedw3 fmercedwire 40 40 40 40
fmercedw4 fmercedwire 80 0 40 40
fmercedw5 fmercedwire 0 0 40 40

This ship is a kitbash of P81's Excelsior and Miranda class.

Thank you for downloading this ship.

You are allowed to include it in your mod.

Have fun!!!

Pizza the Hutt

Version  1.0  Author  Pizza the Hutt  Website   
Downloads  180  Size  4.05 MB  Created  2010-11-07 



#1 Jetfreak 2010-11-07 07:10
A good effort sir, it's a reasonable design.

#2 Doom369 2010-11-07 11:15
This looks sweet. An Excelsior Refit of the Miranda. I like it.

I tried sending you my email Pizza. It is .

oh and a 10 from me for this one.

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