Highlander Class Highlander Class

(22 votes)
APCMmkII, 2002-08-05

This is a ship that looks like an Ambassador refitted with 2 more nacelles, and a Ring around them. A nice, original design by APCM

Highlander-Class by APCMmkII

this is my fourth try in doing ships for armada..
the mesh and texture are made by me with help of paramount blue-prints to get the wright scalation of the differant ship-sections..
we don\'t want to have a weapon section which is to small, do we?
there is no team color..because i hate it..and because i\'ve no idea how to make it :P

highlander class for a2:

fhighlander.tga put into \\textures\\rgb
fwhighlander.tga put into \\textures\\rgb
gbfhighlander.tga put into \\textures\\rgb
fhighlander.sod put into \\sod
fhighlander.odf put into \\odf\\ships
fbphas1.odf put into \\odf\\weapons\\phaser


# Federation build buttons

b_fhighlander gbfhighlander 0 0 64 64

# Ship Wireframes

fhighlanderw1 fwhighlander 40 0 40 40
fhighlanderw2 fwhighlander 0 40 40 40
fhighlanderw3 fwhighlander 40 40 40 40
fhighlanderw4 fwhighlander 80 0 40 40
fhighlanderw5 fwhighlander 0 0 40 40

tech1.tt: fhighlander.odf 1 fyard2.odf


buildbuttonX = \"fhighlander\"

highLANDER CLASS for a1:

fhighlander.tga put into \\textures\\rgb
gbfhighlandera1.tga put into \\textures\\rgb
fhighlandera1.sod put into \\sod
fhighlandera1.odf put into \\addon
fbphas2.odf put into \\addon


# Federation build buttons

b_fhighlandera1 gbfhighlandera1 0 0 64 64

tech1.tt: fhighlandera1.odf 1 fyard2.odf


buildbuttonX = \"fhighlandera1\"

please send any comments to APCMmkII@gmx.de

Version    Author  APCMmkII  Website   
Downloads  3,363  Size  263.67 KB  Created  2002-08-05 



#11 archerscott 2005-02-06 19:18
What a great ship! It's fast replacing the Galaxy Class as it doesn't just wipe the floor - it shines it too! Thanks for making it!


#12 HMS_Frontier 2006-06-11 14:07
Good Model But Pleas Do A Retexture
#13 SPY46 2007-06-18 15:52
i downloaded this thing once b4, you need to retesture it because all i see is a white frame of what it should be.

yes i could download that other thing but i did do that once b4 to only to have every thing else i had worked on be destroyed.

plz do make a new texture or what ever. :borg: dont forget to make a texture for when its asimilated (sp?)

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