Excelsior Twin Pack Excelsior Twin Pack

(1 vote)
Aerilon, 2011-10-16


Included in this download are two versions of the Excelsior Class:
- The first version is the typical version, as seen throughout ST:TNG and STBiggrinS9.
- The second version is the Refit, as seen with the Enterprise-B (ST:Generations), and the Lakota (DS9: Paradise Lost).



One of the most widely used starships in the Federation fleet; the Excelsior is also quite capable of holding her own, even against contemporary opponents. Along with fleet combat and exploration, the Excelsior is also a fond sight when escorting larger Federation vessels.



Star Trek: Armada II - Zero Hour
Federation Excelsior Class Multi-Purpose Cruiser



Mesh and Textures credited to Aad Moreman.

Build Button, Wireframe, Admirals Log and .odf credited to me (Ash Stephens).
- Alterations to Refit texture also undertaken by me.
- Contact: ash87uk@sky.com


Unless you have already modofied your Armada II Install, you wont need to overwrite anything.

Open the SOD folder -->

Put the sod files into the sod folder of Armada II.

Open the ODF folder -->

Put the ODF files into the odf/ships folder of Armada II.

Open the Textures/RGB folder -->

Put the TGA files into the Textures/RGB folder of Armada II.

Open the Bitmaps folder -->

Put the BMP files into the Bitmaps/AdmiralsLog/ShipImages folder of Armada II.

Open the Sprites folder -->

Find the 'gui_global.spr' file and open it.
Scroll down and locate:

# Federation build buttons

Below the 'b_fspecial' line, add the following:

b_fzhexcelsior1 gbFExcel01 0 0 64 64
b_fzhexcelsior2 gbFExcel02 0 0 64 64

Next, scroll down and locate:

#Federation wireframes

Below, enter the following:

fzhexcelsior1w1 zhEntBWF 0 0 128 128
fzhexcelsior1w2 zhEntBWF 0 0 128 128
fzhexcelsior1w3 zhEntBWF 0 0 128 128
fzhexcelsior1w4 zhEntBWF 0 0 128 128
fzhexcelsior1w5 zhEntBWF 0 0 128 128

fzhexcelsior2w1 zhEntBWF 128 256 128 128
fzhexcelsior2w2 zhEntBWF 128 256 128 128
fzhexcelsior2w3 zhEntBWF 128 256 128 128
fzhexcelsior2w4 zhEntBWF 128 256 128 128
fzhexcelsior2w5 zhEntBWF 128 256 128 128

Save and Exit.

Open the techtree folder -->

Find 'tech1.tt' and add the following under the federation ships:

fzhexcelsior1.odf 2 fresear.odf fyard.odf // cruiser
fzhexcelsior2.odf 2 fresear.odf fyard.odf // cruiser

Next, locate the 'fulltech.tt' file, and add the following again under the federation ships:

fzhexcelsior1.odf 0
fzhexcelsior2.odf 0

Save and Exit.

File is now ready for skirmish use.


Usage Policy

These files are sanctioned for reuse in other Armada II Modifications through free distribution. Such the distributor need not contact me directly, though they will at all times, without excuse include this complete ReadMe in such a re-released file / completion project.

Unless specifically stated, these files are solely for Armada II use, and will not be converted to any other game, or for any other use without express permission. Conversion of these files is authorised only after acknowledgement by me.

Unless otherwise stated, these files are exclusive to FileFront, and should not be hosted elsewhere.


Version    Author  Aerilon  Website  Website external 
Downloads  469  Size  3.71 MB  Created  2011-10-16 



#1 Doom369 2011-10-18 10:43
this file is also not down-loadable.
#2 Majestic_MSFC 2011-10-18 15:15
@1 That's filefront these days for you. hey Ash how come you are no longer uploading to MSFC, we don't have any download issues unlike A2Files!
#3 Aerilon 2011-10-19 08:49
#1 - As Majestic has already pointed out, the file should be downloadable, it's just the FileFront network playing up. Try refreshing your page a couple of times, that's all I can suggest really.

#2 - Check your MSFC messages. :-)
#4 thermal_nuclear 2011-10-23 09:16
This is nutts. A week and the downloads still are not sorted. Are the staff on holiday???
#5 Aerilon 2011-10-29 02:25
These problems have been around a lot longer than a mere week or two. Try several months. There isn't anything any of us can do, not even the A2Staff have the ability to fix the issue.

The problem lies with the network administration, who apparently don't care.

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