ENT era Vulcan ship pack ENT era Vulcan ship pack

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mishkaco, 2008-05-12

You've seen this one before.... now once again, mishkaco offers the ENT-era Vulcan ship pack. The previous incarnation was hampered by some credit issues. The workaround here seems to be nothing more than a simple removal of the conflicting files from this download.

I've said it before, I'll say it again. "No wireframes, no buildbuttons, but admiral's log pics and new weapons". There, now I feel better.

Worth a download, if you didn't have it already.


ENT era Vulcan Ship Pack


What We Have Here:
Two Star Trek Enterprise era Vulcan starships, with Vulcan style weapons.
1. Surrok Science Ship - the Surrok was the first Vulcan 22nd ship seen in Enterprise, season 1. It is a survey and science ship with a higher warp speed

than that of Enterprise NX-01. It is the workhorse ship of the High Command. A 'combat' variant of the Surrok known as Surak has also been seen with a brown

hull and blue engine gloes.
2. D'Kyr Transport Cruiser - The D'Kyr is another Vulcan design, introduced at the end of Enterprise season 1. It seems to be a high speed transport and

response craft, with a larger shuttle docked in the middle of the two ring structures.

Put SODs in *SOD
Put TGA in *TextureRGB
Put vcruise1.odf, Vcruise2.odf in *odfships
Put V1phys & V2phys.odf in *odfother
Put vphas,vphas2,vphaso,vphas2o,vphot & vphoto.odf in *odfweapons
Put WAVs in *soundseffects
Put bitmaps in *bitmapsadmiralslogshipimages
Go to *sprites and open 'weapon.spr'
Add this to the bottum of the file :

# Vulcan phaser
vphaso wvphaser 0 0 128 32 @anim=tex1x4


Surrok - NinjaDriver, converted from BC to A2 by Fahres
D'Kyr - unknown, converted from SFC to A2 by Fahres
me? (Mishkaco) i did nothing to the models, they are exactly as the author's left them. The ODFs, are my small contribution.
NinjaDriver has kindly indorced his ships being converted to A2.

I hope everyone enjoys these new ships for A2. I take no credit. I merely wanted to offer them to the community. After all, ships were needed to defend the

High Command against thos aggressive and illogical Andoreans!


P.S. - If you want the other two Vulcan ENT era ships, they are out there. Just google Vulcan Ship Pack..one of the three authors, Major Payne, does not want his work posted on any website working with filefront.

Version  v1.1  Author  mishkaco  Website   
Downloads  818  Size  3.74 MB  Created  2008-05-12 



#1 Jetfreak 2008-05-13 06:45
Cool, i can now make more ENT-era potd's with vulcan ships, thanx
#2 blitzy_2000 2008-05-15 10:51
the only real problem is the front ship isn't in the mod pack :-)
#3 mishkaco 2008-05-16 21:51
you say the 'front ship' is not in the pack? Sorry, but what do you mean? The pack shoudl contain the D'Kyr from Shockwave and the Surrok from Breaking the Ice.

The Surak Combat variant must be downloaded elsewhere now, due to a hosting conflict.

e-mail me ifyou have any issues, i will try my best to help out.

#4 blitzy_2000 2008-05-17 14:41
the screenshot shows two ships, the front right one isn't in the mod pack.
#5 mishkaco 2008-05-19 13:50
i just double checked teh zip file i uploaded to filefront. It does contain 2 sods, and 2 odfs and 2 bmp files. Additionally, since i did not take teh screen shot, the site admin did that favor for me. For him to take teh screen shot, means the file did when he took teh screen shot, contain both ships; otherwise, how coudl they both show up in teh picture?

I would be hapy to re-upload teh file, but the oen i have, is the same one uploaded last week, and does contain both ships?

#6 Karle94 2008-05-22 12:39
Why is the D`Kyr red when it is suppose to be brown?
#7 Omega_Mod_God 2008-07-20 19:04
Genius Dude!Rock One question... do you have the Vulcan ship from first contact? :o I have been looking for that for years!
#8 InterstellarMachine 2010-01-15 18:44
You shouldn't be converting ships from SFC unless the author is known and credited.

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