dinosaurJR's TOS mini ship pack dinosaurJR's TOS mini ship pack

(3 votes)
DinosaurJR, 2008-05-14

This is a truly awesome preview of the Beginnings mod from dinosaurJR. As mods go, there are few I'm looking forward to more than Beginnings simply because no one else is doing what this mod promises: an exclusive focus on the time period around the original series.

These ships were designed by Jason Colbert, at the Starfleet Museum site. They're... odd by TOS standards, but they fit. The Avenger class destroyer and Predator class destroyer are here in awesome quality. And since it's from dinosaurJR, you know it's going to be good-- and complete, too. Admirals' log pics, build buttons, wireframes, and quality textures on a decent-poly .SOD file for its type.

Get these original-series beauties today.


dinosaurJR's TOS ship mini pack
By dinosaurJR

Just thought I would release a little bit of my fourth coming mod, to drum up a little more interest :) In this ship pack you will find:

The Avenger Class Destroyer
The Predator Class Destroyer

Also included are build buttons, wireframes and admiral's log pics.
Sadly, there is no .exe to install these ships ,but dont worry, I will
explain everything...


1 - Use win zip (or win rar, if you have it) to extract the zipped contents to the desktop.

2 - take all 4 .sod files and put them into the folder named somthing like:

c:/programfiles/activision/startrek armadaII/sod

3 - take all of the build buttons (files with the prefix gb) wireframes and texture files and put them into:

c:/programfiles/activision/startrek armadaII/textures/rgb

4 - take the 2 .bmp files and put them into:

c:/programfiles/activision/startrek armadaII/bitmaps/admiralslog/shipimages

5 - take the odf file named "lrpulse" and put it in:

c:/programfiles/activision/startrek armadaII/odf/weapons/phasers

6 - put the all odf files that remain into:

c:/programfiles/activision/startrek armadaII/odf/ships

Now that all the files are in the right place, time to add the ships to the


7 - The following should add the build buttons to the game - add the

following lines to the gui_global
( found at - c:/programfiles/activision/star trekarmadaII/sprites )

b_Faven gbFaven 0 0 64 64

b_Fpred gbFpred 0 0 64 64

Note that each one of these lines must be added at the correct place in the file - after the line

# ******** build buttons


WHERE ********* = the race that each ship belongs to - hope that makes

sense? Please note that I have
personally assigned the Terrans to replace the Cardassians.

8 - now for the wire frames :)

again in the gui_global, enter for each ship:

Favenw1 fedwireframe_8 0 0 256 256
Favenw2 fedwireframe_8 0 0 256 256
Favenw3 fedwireframe_8 0 0 256 256
Favenw4 fedwireframe_8 0 0 256 256
Favenw5 fedwireframe_8 0 0 256 256

Fpredw1 fedwireframe_9 0 0 256 256
Fpredw2 fedwireframe_9 0 0 256 256
Fpredw3 fedwireframe_9 0 0 256 256
Fpredw4 fedwireframe_9 0 0 256 256
Fpredw5 fedwireframe_9 0 0 256 256

Again, each wireframe reference must be added after the line

#******** wireframes

WHERE ********* = the race that each ship belongs to.

9 - To add the ship to a shipyard, you must open the ship yards ODF file
(found in c:/programfiles/activision/star trek armadaII/odf/stations) and

add the line:

buildItem# = "Faven" - add this line to fyard.odf
buildItem# = "Fpred" - add this line to fyard.odf

note that # = the next space in the build list - so if the one above is

buildItem7 ="" then the next must be
buildItem8 ="" and so on...

10 - now that all of thats done, you need to add the ships to the tech tree:
open the folder techtree , found at

c:/programfiles/activision/star trek armadaII/techtree

and look
for the file fulltech.tt.

Here you will find a list of all the odf files relating to ships and

stations etc, grouped according to race.
at the end of each race's list, you need to add the line

Faven.odf 0 - at the end of the federation list
Fpred.odf 0 - at the end of the federation list

now save and exit. open the file tech1.tt, found in the same folder, and

add in the relevant section (its pretty
self explanatory here)

Faven.odf 1 fyard.odf //Avenger class

Fpred.odf 1 fyard.odf // Predator class

11 - And thats all she wrote - hope you guys enjoy?

Just a wee disclaimer to say that all modeling, coding and texture work is my own and is owned exclusively by me(dinosaurJR).
Although based on designs from the Starfleet Museum.
This work is NOT endorsed or in any way connected to Paramount, Activision
or Mad Doc and is used at your own risk,
note this also refers to the above instructions (numbered 1 through 10).
I will not accept responsibility for any damage done to your computer or Armada II install through the use of these files, or the above instructions.

I will not permit any modification to these files, unless modified for private use only. So please dont modify them and then clain its all your own work!

That said, I allow these files (in their current state only) to be used by
modders in any other mod. You do not need to ask for my permission!!

Sorry for the seriousness there, but I just want to keep myself covered. :)

Special Thanks and credit must go to Jason Colbert, for these excellent ship designs, and to Masao Okazaki of the Star Fleet Museum for his wonderful website :)

If there are any problems, dont hesitate to contact me, either though the
armada2 filefront forums (im called dinosaurJR there too) or via email -johnrobertson17-AT-googlemail-DOT-com

Version    Author  DinosaurJR  Website   
Downloads  422  Size  1.13 MB  Created  2008-05-14 



#1 blitzy_2000 2008-05-14 19:08
Yayyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
#2 dinosaurJR 2008-05-15 01:59
I just noticed a wee error in the installation instructions - there are only 2 .SOD files, NOT 4 as stated in the readme - so dont go looking for any more, cos you wont find any ;-)

oh, and remember to back all original ODF GUI and .TT files before editing, it saves ALOT of hassle later if you make an error.

Enjoy! :-)
#3 blitzy_2000 2008-05-15 04:12
there looks to be some texture problems too. You included the BMP's, one of which needs to be converted to a TGA to make it work right.

Really nice models though, excellent job.
#4 dinosaurJR 2008-05-15 11:09
Blitzy, your right - I uploaded the wrong file!

Rest assured I will get a V2.0 up tomorrow with the right texture files tomorrow

what a fool, eh? :-)
#5 dinosaurJR 2008-05-17 11:38
Ok, appologies to the 50+ ppl who downloaded this version.

I uploaded the wrong wireframe for the Predator Class, and also the .bmp of one of the texture files (but not the .tga).

I have just now sent in a version 2 with the correct files - so everything should work

... I promise.

Cheers :-)

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