Constitution Phase I Constitution Phase I

(7 votes)
Sin87, 2008-12-23

The countdown to opening day in May for the new Star Trek film continues, and here Sin87 graces us with a re-done version of his previously released model of the "Phase I" Constitution class starship, as seen in the film. It's pretty much a complete re-do, and the results are better than expected. Let's just hope the film promises the same....

If you've got the previous releases of this mod, you're going to want to get this one as well. Definitely worth a download.


Title Constitution Phase I Class (Star Trek XI Version)
Version 3.0
Author Sin87
Date Finished 2008 Dec 23
Build Time 4 weeks (40+ hours)
Polys 3550

Design Ryan Church
Model Sin87
Odfs Sin87
Textures Star Trek Legacy, Sin87

Units hf1701XI Hero ship with 1701 registries as default.
fCstit1XI Comes with default blank registries or can be changed for
one of four cannon regs.

Using MadMan1701A's mesh over at I’ve managed to go back & rebuilt my Enterprise
to match his great design model more.

The difference between this & the previous versions are that I've built a new model, changed
the odf's hardpoints & sorted out & made some new textures so there no longer a collection of
around 20 random files.

If you have a copy of version 1.0 or 2.0 then just paste over them as all the file names are
the same.

In the mod the folder mark "Extra Stuff" comes with a few bonuses like the option to replace
the blank hull of the non-hero model ( That been fCstit1XI.sod ) with ether the registries
of the USS Constitution, Enterprise, Farragut or Republic.

In this folder there's also a dark blue version of the bussard collector for if you prefer
this look which at the time appears to be the colour used in the final cut of the film.
I chose to go with orange bussards as the default colour as this is meant to be a Connie &
having a Connie without orange (or red) is like the guy in the red shirt surviving been
killed by a tribble despite having all that tech on his side & the fact that tribbles
really have no means to kill him, but somehow do because it’s the way things are meant to be.

Well I hope everyone enjoys this version as much as I will as it took me waaaaaaay to long
too build, but it's more than worth it.

If you like this mod or any other of my projects I have released & wish to donate then here’s
my PayPal. Just copy & paste the below address into your internet browser to reach my PayPal.

If you have an older version already part of your game, then just copy & paste the new odfs,
textures & sods over the old versions.

1. UnZip the file into your Armada 2 main directory
2. Open your gui_global.spr in the misc folder and scroll down to where is says

# Federation buildbuttons

copy this right below the "@reference=128" line

b_hf1701XI gbYoungKirk 0 0 128 128
b_fCstit1XI gbfCstit1XI 0 0 128 128

then find the line "@reference=256" & copy this right below it

# Federation wireframes

then right below copy & paste this right below it

hf1701XIw1 whf1701XI 0 0 256 256
hf1701XIw2 whf1701XI 0 0 256 256
hf1701XIw3 whf1701XI 0 0 256 256
hf1701XIw4 whf1701XI 0 0 256 256
hf1701XIw5 whf1701XI 0 0 256 256

fCstit1XIw1 wfCstit1XI 0 0 256 256
fCstit1XIw2 wfCstit1XI 0 0 256 256
fCstit1XIw3 wfCstit1XI 0 0 256 256
fCstit1XIw4 wfCstit1XI 0 0 256 256
fCstit1XIw5 wfCstit1XI 0 0 256 256

3. Open in the techtrees folder and add the line

fCstit1XI.odf 0 // Constitution Phase I Class - Star Trek XI Version
hf1701XI.odf 0 // USS Enterprise NCC-1701 - Star Trek XI Version

4. Open one of your shipyard files (fyard.odf, fyard2.odf) & add the following line to the
build section. Remember the "x" at the end of "buildItemX" should be replaced with the number
that follows the last build item in that yard build list.

buildItemX = "fCstit1XI"
buildItemX = "hf1701XI"

5. Now just play & when you go to the shipyard which you told to build her will now be able to
construct this vessel.


You may use this unit in your Armada mod, but if you want to port this unit to other games
then please do contact me as I may have a newer version or I maybe planning to release it on
that game myself in the near future.

If you use this model then you must include the credits above in your mod, however please do
not alter any aspect of the model without contacting me first.

Version  Trek XI v3.0  Author  Sin87  Website   
Downloads  169  Size  2.35 MB  Created  2008-12-23 



#1 k_merse 2008-12-24 01:58
Although I still don't like the concept of the new Enterprise, this model became nicer and nicer with every version. Keep up the great work, it's very nice :-)
#2 maxloef1990 2008-12-24 02:16
Doesnt really looks like it... plus the lighting doesnt work, and the font is diferent, seen in the first trailer and the overal shape of it makes it look like its a toy! i suggest u next time try to NOT make an ugly shipe ven uglier,

#3 ameba 2008-12-24 02:27
I suggest next time find the good in the bad, maxloef1990.
#4 Loskene 2008-12-24 04:18
There usually needs to be good to find.

An alright start but there's still every incentive to keep improving
#5 Grodie 2008-12-24 10:03
This looks better then the actual ship! Downloading now!
#6 thunderfoot006 2008-12-25 07:19
Sin87, keep going! To accomplish what you have off just one screenshot is impressive and speaks very highly of your skills as a modeller and texturer. There will always be some people who do not like something you do. For various reasons which actually have little or nothing to do with your talent at all. Pay them no mind. Mod for yourself first, last, and always.
#7 IKS_Yo_Mama 2008-12-28 18:12
Sin87 has uploaded a Legacy version to Legacy Files, personally I think this looks sweet and you get my full praise for it Sin! 10/10
#8 TMaitland 2009-02-09 07:43
Sin87, I must admit I do like the concept you have done with this ship and I agree with everyone else except maxloef1990 because this is your design, your mod and don't have to allow other people to enjoy it but you do and I personally thank you for doing that. Great job again and I look forward to future ship designs that you create!!!!!!!!!

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