Constitution Phase I (Star Trek XI Version) Constitution Phase I (Star Trek XI Version)

(3 votes)
Sin87, 2008-11-28

Earlier this week Sin released a basic model of the new Enterprise. This new model represents a considerable improvement over that original effort, although for obvious reasons it's not exactly perfect to what you'll see in May of 2009 in theatres.

The improvements to this model (the nacelles and stardrive have come a LONG way since 1.0) speak for themselves, and considering that all that there's been to proceed from here has been a still photograph of a fleeting shot in the trailer of the film, this is a really noteworthy effort and one worthy of your download.

Take a close look at this one, and keep your hopes up for this new movie.

And once again, keep your comments about the download, not about the design of the ship or the movie or anything beyond the way this model looks and behaves in-game, please and thank you.


Title Constitution Phase I Class (Star Trek XI Version)
Version 2.0
Author Sin87
Date Finished 2008 Nov 29

Model Sin87
Odfs Sin87
Textures Saucer Khaliban for the originals, modified by mangledduk
Sec Hull Non-Copyrighted Texture, modified by Sin87
Bus & Deflector Star Trek Legacy, modified by Sin87
Shuttle Bay, Glows Sin87

Though Khaliban & mangledduk are credited for the work on the textures I use, the author of
the file I downloaded was someone by the username "Temporary". That file canbe found here.;19982

A few days ago I released a quickly built version of the new Enterprise, though it wasn’t top
notch it did allow us to now have the new Enterprise or at least something that resembles it.

Since that release I’ve gone & had it almost totally rebuilt. I've given her a new secondary
hull, torpedo launcher, neck, pylons & nacelles. I also had the saucer section slightly
modified to match the TMP & not the "just a dome on top of a saucer" look.

1. UnZip the file into your Armada 2 main directory
2. Open your gui_global.spr in the misc folder and scroll down to where is says

# Federation buildbuttons

copy this right below the "@reference=128" line

b_hf1701XI gbYoungKirk 0 0 128 128
b_fCstit1XI gbfCstit1XI 0 0 128 128

then find the line "@reference=256" & copy this right below it

# Federation wireframes

then right below copy & paste this right below it

hf1701XIw1 whf1701XI 0 0 256 256
hf1701XIw2 whf1701XI 0 0 256 256
hf1701XIw3 whf1701XI 0 0 256 256
hf1701XIw4 whf1701XI 0 0 256 256
hf1701XIw5 whf1701XI 0 0 256 256

fCstit1XIw1 wfCstit1XI 0 0 256 256
fCstit1XIw2 wfCstit1XI 0 0 256 256
fCstit1XIw3 wfCstit1XI 0 0 256 256
fCstit1XIw4 wfCstit1XI 0 0 256 256
fCstit1XIw5 wfCstit1XI 0 0 256 256

3. Open in the techtrees folder and add the line

fCstit1XI.odf 0 // Constitution Phase I Class - Star Trek XI Version
hf1701XI.odf 0 // USS Enterprise NCC-1701 - Star Trek XI Version

4. Open one of your shipyard files (fyard.odf, fyard2.odf) & add the following line to the
build section. Remember the "x" at the end of "buildItemX" should be replaced with the number
that follows the last build item in that yard build list.

buildItemX = "fCstit1XI"
buildItemX = "hf1701XI"

5. Now just play & when you go to the shipyard which you told to build her will now be able to
construct this vessel.


You may use this unit in your Armada mod, but if you want to port this unit to other games
then please do contact me as I do plan to release this to Legacy.

If you use this model then you must include the credits above in your mod, however please do
not alter any aspect of the model without contacting me first.

Version  v2.0  Author  Sin87  Website   
Downloads  130  Size  1.68 MB  Created  2008-11-28 



#1 thunderfoot006 2008-11-28 19:55
This is really something. To model a ship so completely off of just one photo says a great deal about Sin87's skills and talent as a modeler. Further, Sin87 has taken the time to make and include everything needed to make her fully functional in game.

To borrow a phrase from an old friend, "Impressive. Most impressive."
#2 Doom369 2008-11-28 23:44
I would have to agree with Thunderfoot006. great job.
#3 Doom369 2008-11-28 23:46
Sorry for the double post but the new model looks to fit the time line better.
#4 Temporal 2008-11-29 00:54
The model looks a little better but the textures still need improving.
#5 denster 2008-11-29 07:33
Excellent work...but I don't think I'm going to download this just yet.
#6 Firestorm603 2008-11-29 09:05
Right, so is the new Enterprise gonna be set before or after the TOS/TMP Enterprise? I know the plot outline, just not the time period.

Oh and nice 2.0, its defo gonna replace the 1.0 in my game.
#7 Sin87 2008-11-29 10:47
If you have version 1 then you can just copy & paste the odf, sod & textures over the old model as this was built on that last release. If your concern denster is that I would be making a new version then for the record I won't as theres no more work other than shrinking the shuttle bay area that could be done or a texture overholl which I clearly have no good photoshop skills. As for the time the film takes place, I think its around 2263 a few years before the 5 year mission.
#8 Grodie 2008-11-29 16:03
Pretty good! However I think there is some room for improvement. Keep up the good work! :thumbsup:
#9 aelita 2008-12-01 06:04
I've been working on the textures, but they're laid out a bit oddly, so its a bit slow.

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