Constitution Class v.2 & Yard & TOS Ships Constitution Class v.2 & Yard & TOS Ships

(18 votes)
FahreS @ -=WiCKeD=-HARKER, 2008-07-01

You've seen it in the forums, now FahreS' fantastic new Constitution class model can be yours. FahreS has much to be proud of in this mod, as there's EVERYTHING you could want. In addition to the new Connie, there's a couple other new ships and, best of all, all the little add-on stuff that you need to fully incorporate this one into your A2. No less than six separate Connie variants AND both a quality Saladin class and Akula-type model.

Download this one today.


|| - Constitution Class v.2 & Yard & TOS Ships - ||

-Information about this mod
-Installation instructions

You have no permission to change the models,
textures or other content and/or to release them.
Ask me for authorisation: e-mail or ICQ-UIN (both under Contact).
The Copyright of the 3D-Models, the textures, weapons,
pictures and everything coming with this Mod is by me.

The following can add more to your game, but isn't needed for this mod
If you are looking for more TOS weapons download these mods:
TOS Pack #1:;76928
TOS Pack #2:;91080
If you are looking for a TOS phaser sound download this mod:
TOS Phaser Sound:;84757

1. 12 Ships, 1 Station
2. Lightmaps
3. Rotated HardPoints
4. Wireframe, Build Button, Admirals Pic
5. New Weapons: 2x Photon Torpedo & Phaser
6. 3D-Borg-Textures
7. 2D-Borg-Textures
8. All 12 Ships are available as poly reduced and original version

Information about this mod_______________________________________________________________
This mod contains 13 models from the TOS era,
a new phaser and 2 new torpedoes.
What we have here is the second version of my constitution class in 6 variants,
a yard and 6 TOS kitbashes.

Contained models: (Ships sorted from the begin of the TOS era to the end of the TOS era)
- Hamburg yard
- Constitution Class variant 1: USS Intrepid
- Constitution Class variant 2: USS Constitution
- Shanks Class Prototype
- Constitution Class variant 3: USS Defiant
- Bash Class
- Constitution Class variant 4: USS Constellation
- Shanks Class
- Constitution Class variant 5: USS Enterprise
- Saladin Class
- Akula Class
- Constitution Class variant 6: USS Kongo
- Constellation Class Prototype

Installation instructions_____[4 Steps]__________________________________________________

1. Copy all targa files (*.tga)
in your Armada2 directory to:

"...ActivisionStar Trek Armada IITexturesRGB"

Copy all mesh files (*.sod)
in your Armada2 directory to:

INFO: All 12 Ships are available as poly reduced versions.
If you PC laggs when useing the original versions,
use the poly reduced versions which are marked with "_lp" and remove this "_lp"
from their names.

"...ActivisionStar Trek Armada IISOD"

Copy all bitmap files (*.bmp)
in your Armada2 directory to:

"...ActivisionStar Trek Armada IIbitmapsAdmiralsLogShipImages"

Copy the files:


INFO: Ignore the files without the "_EN"-ending,
but delete the "_EN" from the file names of the files above.

in your Armada2 directory to:
"...ActivisionStar Trek Armada IIodfships"

Copy the file:


INFO: Ignore the file "fwnuwerft.odf"
but rename the file "fwnuwerft_EN.odf" to: "fwnuwerft.odf"

in your Armada2 directory to:
"...ActivisionStar Trek Armada IIodfstations"

Copy the files:


in your Armada2 directory to:
"...ActivisionStar Trek Armada IIodfweaponsPhotons"

Copy the files:


in your Armada2 directory to:
"...ActivisionStar Trek Armada IIodfweaponsPhasers"

Copy the files:


in your Armada2 directory to:
"...ActivisionStar Trek Armada IIodfweaponsPulse"


2. Choose a construction ship, which should build the yard.
The stock construction ship of the federation is fconst.odf and is located here:
"...ActivisionStar Trek Armada IIodfships"

-Open fconst.odf with your Windows Texteditor (Notepad) or another Program like this.
Have a look for the text:

buildItem11 = "ftrading"
buildItem12 = "fupgrade"

-Write under this entry: buildItem13 = "fwnuwerft"

INFO: If there is already an entry with buildItem13,
then choose another ship, because this is full.

-Save the file and close it.


3. Choose the directory: "...ActivisionStar Trek Armada IItechtree".
Open the file "" with the Windows Texteditor and search "fbattle.odf 0".
-Write under this entry:

fwnuconsti.odf 0
fwnudefsti.odf 0
fwnutelsti.odf 0
fwnututsti.odf 0
fwnuintsti.odf 0
fwnukonsti.odf 0
fwnubeamy.odf 0
fwnuwerft.odf 0
fwnuakula.odf 0
fwnusalad.odf 0
fwnushank.odf 0
fwnupurpo.odf 0
fwnurazor.odf 0

-Save the file and close it.

-Do not change the directory but open the file "" with the Texteditor.
Search the following Entry:

fspecial.odf 2 fyard2.odf fresear2.odf // special (nebula class)

-Write under this entry:

fwnuconsti.odf 0
fwnudefsti.odf 0
fwnutelsti.odf 0
fwnututsti.odf 0
fwnuintsti.odf 0
fwnukonsti.odf 0
fwnubeamy.odf 0
fwnuwerft.odf 0
fwnuakula.odf 0
fwnusalad.odf 0
fwnushank.odf 0
fwnupurpo.odf 0
fwnurazor.odf 0

-Save the file and close it.


4. Choose the directory: "...ActivisionStar Trek Armada IISprites".
open the file "gui_global.spr" with the Windows Texteditor.
Have a look for the entry:

# for the capture the flag ships
b_ctf_fyard gbfyard 0 0 64 64
b_ctf_fyard2 gbfyard200 0 0 64 64
b_ctf_fbase gbfbase 0 0 64 64
b_ctf_fconst gbfconst 0 0 64 64
b_ctf_fdestroy2 gbfdestroy2 0 0 64 64
b_ctf_fgalaxy gbfgalaxy 0 0 64 64

-Write under this entry:

b_fwnututsti fwnubbs 0 0 64 64
b_fwnuintsti fwnubbs 64 0 64 64
b_fwnukonsti fwnubbs 128 0 64 64
b_fwnuconsti fwnubbs 192 0 64 64
b_fwnutelsti fwnubbs 0 64 64 64
b_fwnudefsti fwnubbs 64 64 64 64
b_fwnupurpo fwnubbs 128 64 64 64
b_fwnurazor fwnubbs 192 64 64 64
b_fwnushank fwnubbs 0 128 64 64
b_fwnuakula fwnubbs 64 128 64 64
b_fwnusalad fwnubbs 128 128 64 64
b_fwnubeamy fwnubbs 192 128 64 64
b_fwnuwerft fwnubbs 0 192 64 64

-Search in the same file the entry:

fupgradew1 fedwireframe07 0 192 48 48
fupgradew2 fedwireframe07 48 192 48 48
fupgradew3 fedwireframe07 96 192 48 48
fupgradew4 fedwireframe07 144 192 48 48
fupgradew5 fedwireframe07 192 192 48 48

-Write under this everything between "//BEGIN" and "//END":

//BEGIN (begin copying here)

fwnuconstiw1 fwnuconstitw 160 0 80 80
fwnuconstiw2 fwnuconstitw 0 80 80 80
fwnuconstiw3 fwnuconstitw 80 80 80 80
fwnuconstiw4 fwnuconstitw 80 0 80 80
fwnuconstiw5 fwnuconstitw 0 0 80 80

fwnudefstiw1 fwnuconstitw 160 0 80 80
fwnudefstiw2 fwnuconstitw 0 80 80 80
fwnudefstiw3 fwnuconstitw 80 80 80 80
fwnudefstiw4 fwnuconstitw 80 0 80 80
fwnudefstiw5 fwnuconstitw 0 0 80 80

fwnutelstiw1 fwnuconstitw 160 0 80 80
fwnutelstiw2 fwnuconstitw 0 80 80 80
fwnutelstiw3 fwnuconstitw 80 80 80 80
fwnutelstiw4 fwnuconstitw 80 0 80 80
fwnutelstiw5 fwnuconstitw 0 0 80 80

fwnuintstiw1 fwnututstitw 160 0 80 80
fwnuintstiw2 fwnututstitw 0 80 80 80
fwnuintstiw3 fwnututstitw 80 80 80 80
fwnuintstiw4 fwnututstitw 80 0 80 80
fwnuintstiw5 fwnututstitw 0 0 80 80

fwnututstiw1 fwnututstitw 160 0 80 80
fwnututstiw2 fwnututstitw 0 80 80 80
fwnututstiw3 fwnututstitw 80 80 80 80
fwnututstiw4 fwnututstitw 80 0 80 80
fwnututstiw5 fwnututstitw 0 0 80 80

fwnukonstiw1 fwnukonstitw 160 0 80 80
fwnukonstiw2 fwnukonstitw 0 80 80 80
fwnukonstiw3 fwnukonstitw 80 80 80 80
fwnukonstiw4 fwnukonstitw 80 0 80 80
fwnukonstiw5 fwnukonstitw 0 0 80 80

fwnuwerftw1 fwnuwerftw 160 0 80 80
fwnuwerftw2 fwnuwerftw 0 80 80 80
fwnuwerftw3 fwnuwerftw 80 80 80 80
fwnuwerftw4 fwnuwerftw 80 0 80 80
fwnuwerftw5 fwnuwerftw 0 0 80 80

fwnurazorw1 fwnurazorw 160 0 80 80
fwnurazorw2 fwnurazorw 0 80 80 80
fwnurazorw3 fwnurazorw 80 80 80 80
fwnurazorw4 fwnurazorw 80 0 80 80
fwnurazorw5 fwnurazorw 0 0 80 80

fwnubeamyw1 fwnubeamyw 160 0 80 80
fwnubeamyw2 fwnubeamyw 0 80 80 80
fwnubeamyw3 fwnubeamyw 80 80 80 80
fwnubeamyw4 fwnubeamyw 80 0 80 80
fwnubeamyw5 fwnubeamyw 0 0 80 80

fwnuakulaw1 fwnuakulaw 160 0 80 80
fwnuakulaw2 fwnuakulaw 0 80 80 80
fwnuakulaw3 fwnuakulaw 80 80 80 80
fwnuakulaw4 fwnuakulaw 80 0 80 80
fwnuakulaw5 fwnuakulaw 0 0 80 80

fwnusaladw1 fwnusaladw 160 0 80 80
fwnusaladw2 fwnusaladw 0 80 80 80
fwnusaladw3 fwnusaladw 80 80 80 80
fwnusaladw4 fwnusaladw 80 0 80 80
fwnusaladw5 fwnusaladw 0 0 80 80

fwnushankw1 fwnushankw 160 0 80 80
fwnushankw2 fwnushankw 0 80 80 80
fwnushankw3 fwnushankw 80 80 80 80
fwnushankw4 fwnushankw 80 0 80 80
fwnushankw5 fwnushankw 0 0 80 80

fwnupurpow1 fwnupurpow 160 0 80 80
fwnupurpow2 fwnupurpow 0 80 80 80
fwnupurpow3 fwnupurpow 80 80 80 80
fwnupurpow4 fwnupurpow 80 0 80 80
fwnupurpow5 fwnupurpow 0 0 80 80

//END (end copying here)

-Save the file and close it.

-Do not change the directory but open the file "weapon.spr" with the Texteditor.
Search the following entry:

# Chain Reaction Pulsar
wchainpulse wchainpulse 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4

# Federation Photon torpedo
//quantum torpedo only
wbluephoton wfbluetorp 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4

-Write under this entry:

# FW Monygham Torpedo
fwmortorp fwmortorp 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4

# Federation TOS Torpedo by FahreS
fwnuconsphot fwnuconsphot 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4

# Federation phaser by FahreS
fwnuconphas fwnuconsphas 0 0 128 32 @anim=tex1x4

-Save the file and close it.


Hamburg Yard Polys: 2120
Hardpoints: 22 (hp01-hp20 & repair & build)
Akula Polys: 2700
Polys (reduzierte Version): 1726
Hardpoints: 51 (hp01-hp51)
USS Intrepid Polys: 3202
Polys (reduzierte Version): 1994
Hardpoints: 57 (hp01-hp57)
USS Constel. Polys: 3132
Polys (reduzierte Version): 1988
Hardpoints: 57 (hp01-hp57)
USS Constit. Polys: 3202
Polys (reduzierte Version): 1994
Hardpoints: 57 (hp01-hp57)
USS Defiant Polys: 3282
Polys (reduzierte Version): 1990
Hardpoints: 57 (hp01-hp57)
USS Kongo Polys: 3149
Polys (reduzierte Version): 1990
Hardpoints: 59 (hp01-hp59)
Constellati. Polys: 4116
Polys (reduzierte Version): 2519
Hardpoints: 57 (hp01-hp57)
Saladin Polys: 2131
Polys (reduzierte Version): 1059
Hardpoints: 51 (hp01-hp51)
Shanks Prot. Polys: 2440
Polys (reduzierte Version): 1451
Hardpoints: 29 (hp01-hp29)
Shanks Polys: 2378
Polys (reduzierte Version): 1427
Hardpoints: 51 (hp01-hp51)
Bash Polys: 3154
Polys (reduzierte Version): 1988
Hardpoints: 57 (hp01-hp57)
USS Enterpr. Polys: 3282
Polys (reduzierte Version): 1990
Hardpoints: 57 (hp01-hp57)
High resolution textures: yes
3D-Borgtextures: yes
2D-Borgtextures: yes
Wireframe: yes
Buildbutton: yes
ShipImage: yes
SODs by me: yes
adapted ODF: yes
adapted physik: no
Special-Weapons by me: none
Lightmaps: yes
New Weapons: yes (2 Photon Torpedo, 1 Phaser)
Animation: no
Glows: no
New Names: yes
Poly reduced versions: yes

Questions to:
ICQ: 148686453 FahreS Design (my projects) The Main Armada II Tutorials

This file is in no way connected to, or affiliated with Activision,
its employees, representatives, consortiums, or other persons or
companies associated with it. Therefore, the creator of this file,
Activision, and its subsidiares take no responsibilty for harm this
file may do to your computer.

Have fun with this TOS package!

FahreS @ -=WiCKeD=-HARKER

Version    Author  FahreS @ -=WiCKeD=-HARKER  Website  Website external 
Downloads  697  Size  21.96 MB  Created  2008-07-01 



#21 Freyr 2008-07-09 01:28
These are really great. Now lets see a Klingon pack for them to fight against. :-)

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