Constitution Class (2009) Pack Constitution Class (2009) Pack

(8 votes)
Beginner, 2009-06-04

The forums have been good to us lately. So many awesome new models are emerging for Armada II and it's a beautiful thing to behold. I don't think it's overstepping to say, this is the best of the new stuff we've received since we got back in April.

The 2009 film version of Star Trek gave us the new, revamped take on the Enterprise. It's looked okay before, a little too shiny (better to reflect the lens flares off of, don'tcha know), but in-game in A2, it looks spectacular. Beginner / Amateur has always given us top-grade stuff before. This is an exception-- it's even better than usual.

Download this right now.


--Constitution Class (2009)
--Version 1.00 by Beginner/Amateur
Tools used -

3ds Max 8 - modelling, UVWing and rendering
Adobe Phtoshop CS3 Extended - texture creation
Milkshape 3d - Hardpointing and SOD conversion

Special Thanks/Mention -

Thanks to Ex Astris Scientia for the rough measurements. I don't think the Connie looks correct
when she's the size of a battlestar and bigger than a Sovvy; so she's not ;p

All of the people who have ever made a mod, even if its not been released. You are all my

Assimsoft for the plugins. Couldn't be modelling without 'em!

Achilles and Fireball for their excellent teturing tutorials. Guess what guys; they work!

-- Introduction--

Right, this is probably the best work I've ever done. In here is the Constitution class from Star
Trek (2009) in five versions - the USS Enterprise, USS Yorktown, USS Defiant, USS Lexington and a
normal blank one for standard usage. They've been balanced to stock Sov level; but you'll
probably want to rebalance them for your own install. I figured that everyone has to have stock -
so I'd balance to that

Also included is a PSD document with the registry in a layer for easy editing. The Trek fonts pack
on A2 files is needed for this. Simply change the number or whatever and save it over one of the
four registry files. I have included the ms3d files in case anyone wants more than four 'hero'

-- Model Information--

Tis model, unfortunately, is quite high in polygons - 4004 when I checked in 3ds Max. I tried to
make her look close to the film one - which is in excess of a million - so this seems like a
reasonable amount. I've tried to reduce the number accordingly (easiest with the Flops Patch) but
if many people complain of problems relating to the poly count then I'll give it another whirl
with the delete key.

The same goes for the textures. There are five 1024x1024 textures included here. These relatively
simple to resize but if a lot of people complain of problems related to them I'll resize them to

-- Installation Instructions--

Copy all folders into the A2 directory and overwrite when asked. THIS METHOD IS FOR CLEAN

Located in the 'Install Instructions' File.

-- A note about the odf's--

I have balanced the ODF files roughly to stock by copying a ship and then replacing the tooltip and all
that. ScaleSOD commands have not been used - the models were scaled according to EX Astris
Scientia measurements and the Assimsoft Scaler Tool in Milkshape 3D

There are two versions of the ODF files - Fleetops and non Fleetops. The ones in the 'FLOPS'
folder utilise the 'MaxBuildableNumber' command from the patch project. The patch project was
not made and is not supported by me.

For all you purists out there, one of the weapon textures are blue phsaers akin to TOS of old
simply replace the line

Sprite = "RTphaser"


Sprite = "BTphaser"

in the Phaser ODF file. If you have problems with this I would recommend posting on the

-- A Request--

Have fun with this, its what I made them for. Oh, and if anyone wants to tinker with them
then feel free - its the way I learned

-- Permission--

I hereby grant permission for anyone to modify the included models and textures and release
them. I know what they look like though - so if you try and pass 'em off as your own there'll
be trouble!

In all seriousness, feel free to use any and all parts of this mod for any purpose with the
exception of porting. I would request an e-mail about this for the simple reason that I could
provide the base mesh that will sure expediate things.

-- Boring Legal Bit--

This material is not made or supported by Activision or MAD DOC Software. This material
is freeware and may not be used for commercial purposes! By installing this addon, you
(the user) agree to and assume all risks of said addon. As a result, I take no
responsibility for any damages that may occur to your game, mod or hardware.

Star Trek and related marks are trademarks of Paramount Pictures. Activision is a
registered trademark of Activision, Inc. All rights reserved. All other trademarks
and trade names are the properties of their respective owners.

-- Contact--

I am on the Forums here or at MSFC most days, so a PM will likely be a quick reply.

E-mail is a bit problematic for me as I sometimes don't receive them, but it is here just in

daniel04 (at) btinternet (dot) com

^replace (at) with @, (dot) with . and get rid of the spaces and you're all set.

Version    Author  Beginner  Website   
Downloads  984  Size  6.48 MB  Created  2009-06-04 


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