Atlantis Class Atlantis Class

(9 votes)
Beginner, 2005-05-21

The Atlantis Class starship.

Atlantis class by beginner

Atlantis class light cruiser

Install instructions

1. copy into armada directory
2. add atlantis.odf to the tech file in techtree
3. add
buildItemX = "atlantis" to a shipyard (where X is the number that comes after the above number)
4. play
5. if anyone wants a build button i am sorry but you shall have to do it your self,
i can't make a buildbutton to save my life


1. these files are no way in conjunction witha ctivision it's affiliates, subdivions or parent companys

2. this looks good if built from a sanfransisco shipyard

3. this is the third ship released from my tmp mod


Major A. Payne and captain fingers should get the credit, all i did was kitbash the pride class which
was a kitbash of captain fingers constitution-class

Version  1.0  Author  Beginner  Website   
Downloads  686  Size  318.65 KB  Created  2005-05-21 



#1 ZeroSystem 2005-05-21 19:45
Nice, its a con with a third nacelle.
#2 Hardyous_of_vulcan 2005-05-22 01:14
looks like a niagra class
#3 armad2 2005-05-22 10:05
yeah thats what i thought when i looked at the pick its a constitution/niagra class type thing. But still its okay.
#4 thomasjbryant13 2005-05-23 10:39
i never understood "starfleet" designing ships with three nacells based on proven designs that had two nacells. just makes me feel like my taxed resources as a federation citizen are going to pay those R&D guys to just lounge around and at the last minute throw something together.

oh wait... it's just a game. sorry... :-P

nice looking anyways
#5 Captain_Righteous 2005-05-27 16:47
I never liked the look of ships with three nacelles. 1, it's impossible: something to do with warp field geometry. 2, it just looks ugly to me. I'm quite impressed with the texture here, but Beginner, you may want to consider removing the third nacelle and just releasing the rest of the ship.

The only way i can see a starfleet ship having three nacelles is that the third one is a backup incase on fails, or maybe they alternate using them when at warp so they don't overheat.
#6 keith05 2005-05-28 03:29
the only ship i know that has 1 nacell is the freedom class but its max worp seed is warp 5 + i like fed ships better with 2 nacales.
#7 Hardyous_of_vulcan 2005-05-29 00:57
if you relased the ship without the third nacelle, it would just be a constitution class, the third nacelle makes its look different, and there is a cannon ship with 3 nacelles
#8 SHERMAN2 2005-06-08 08:23
Hows About a 26 Nacelle Heavy Dreadnaught?

#9 Ramrod_the_Destroyer 2007-06-10 11:20
I have nothing against three-nacelled designs, myself. This is, however, a rather unusual implementation of the tri-nacelle design. I personally like it better with the third nacelle between the other two, but the Atlantis looks good anyway. Intriguing idea.
#10 Messaline 2007-07-16 14:54
The model is incorrect by semi canon sources anyway ; the "actual" Atlantis class is a Centaur varient ; The Atlantis version uses TMP Constitution Refit Nacelles, and the Centuar Class uses Constallation Nacelles. (Not that my naked eye can tell the difference, esp at SOD sizing) .

just my 2 cents.

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