Andorian and Tellarite ships Andorian and Tellarite ships

(5 votes)
Aad Moerman, 2009-11-14

Brilliant work from the "Zero Hour Rejects" department, as Aad Moerman gives us the Tellarite T'Garim class and Andorian Miklon class warships as seen in Enterprise. Can't wait to see these make their showing in the PotDs. Also can't wait to see more from Zero Hour-- if these are what they left out, they must have some seriously awesome stuff left for that mod (if it's ever released-- it's been in development longer than I've been modding!!!).

Definitely worth a download.


"The T'Garim Class was a Tellarite cruiser and was used in the second half of the 22nd century. The Tellarites were among the first members of the Federation and their starships served under command of Starfleet. The completely refitted T'Garim Class served in Starfleet well into the 23rd century."

"The Andorian Miklon Class served as a warship by Andorian Empire in the second half of the 22nd century. The Andorians were one of the first members of the feration and their starships came under command of Starfleet. The completely refitted Miklon Class was among these units. This class served in Starfleet far into the 23rd century."

Important Note:
Make a backup of your existing files, to be on the safe side.


As allways, thanks to Wrath of Achilles for his Texture Tutorial and Major A Payne for his SodTutorial.

All meshes, textures, etc are by me. Shipnames were invented by me.

Please note:

I cannot be hold responsible for any damage or problems otherwise regarding these models.

You may use this ship in your mod, just give credit where its do.

Thank you for downloading.


Installation instructions

Open the SOD folder -->

Put the sod files into the sod folder of Armada II. When prompted to overwrite, click 'yes'.

Open the ODF folder -->

Put the odf file into the odf ship folder of Armada II. When prompted to overwrite, click 'yes'.

Open the Texturefolder -->
put the tga into the texture RGB folder of Armada II. When prompted to overwrite, click 'yes'.

( I include the MS3D files for those who are interested.)

Open the Bitmaps folder -->

Open the Bitmaps folder of Armada II --> open Admiralslog --> open ShipImages and put the images there. When prompted to overwrite, click 'yes'.
Open ARmada 2 ODF-folder --> open station folder
open fyard -->

add under the list of builditems

buildItemXx = "fandcruise" ( The X stands for the next number on the list)

buildItemXx = "ftelcruise" ( The X stands for the next number on the list)

Open techtree file


under Federation ships add:

fandcruise.odf 0 // cruiser (Miklon Class)
ftelcruise.odf 0 // cruiser (T'Garim Class)


add under the list of federation units:

fandcruise.odf 0
ftelcruise.odf 0

Open Sprites --> open gui_global

find the lines:

# Federation build buttons
under this find:


add below that list:
b_fandcruise gbfandcruise 0 0 64 64
b_ftelcruise gbftelcruise 0 0 64 64


find the lines:

# Federation wireframes

then find:

@reference=128 (if not present, just add the reference)

add below that list:

fandcruisew1 wffandcruise 0 0 128 128
ftelcruisew1 wfftelcruise 0 0 128 128


That's it!

Version    Author  Aad Moerman  Website   
Downloads  450  Size  2.19 MB  Created  2009-11-14 



#1 Adm_Zaxxon 2009-11-15 10:38
coolness! Did you use the same light mapping in both of them? the windows look the same
#2 LineBoreal 2009-11-15 12:47
The telarite ship's model isn't recognized as a SOD file. If one renames it "ftelcruise.sod" then it will work, at least it did on my computer. Otherwise, you did a good job on ships I thought would never be made! :thumbsup:
#3 maxloef1990 2009-11-16 12:41
Doesnt really look right ;-) theyr supposed to look rather diferent :P
#4 Aerilon 2009-11-18 10:39
Something to take into consideration, is that these aren't suppose to be the ships seen in Enterprise. Think of them as simple ships that were used, but never seen on screen. ;-)

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