Alternate Reality (2009) ship pack Alternate Reality (2009) ship pack

(12 votes)
Pizza the Hutt, 2010-08-01

This pack contains alternate reality versions of several TOS era (FASA/Franz Joseph) starfleet ships: the Federation class dreadnought, Ptolemy class tug/transport, Hermes class scout, Larson class destroyer and the Loknar class frigate.These ships have been kitbashed by Pizza the Hutt from the AR Miranda(SciFiFan) and the AR Constitution (Beginner/Amateur).

Alternate Reality (2009) Federation Ship Pack I by Pizza the Hutt

These ships have been kitbashed by Pizza the Hutt from the AR Miranda(SciFiFan) and the AR Constitution (Beginner/Amateur)

Requirements: Jetfreaks ST 2009 Weapons Pack

original Models: SciFiFan and Amateur
Texture: Jetfreak and Thunderfoot
ODFs,SODs, buildbuttons and wireframes: Pizza the Hutt
Some of the ships were inspired by designs from Ricky "Madman" Wallace -


Copy the .sod files into the SOD folder
Copy the .tga files into the Textures > RGB folder
Copy the .odf files into the ODF > ships folder
Copy the .bmp files into the Bitmaps > Admiralslog > ShipImages folder

Open the file fyard2.odf or fyard.odf (whichever shipyard you want the ship
To be built from) and insert the line: buildItemXX = "fasimov" under
build Parameters below the last ship to be build
XX being the next unused number

Save that file

Open "tech 1" from the Techtree folder and insert this line:

arhermes.odf 1 fyard1.odf // Hermes class scout
arfederation.odf 1 fyard1.odf // Federation class dreadnought
arptolemy.odf 1 fyard1.odf // Ptolemy class tug/transport
arloknar.odf 1 fyard1.odf // Loknar class frigate
arlarson.odf 1 fyard1.odf // Larson class destroyer

Save this file, open "" and insert the following line

arhermes.odf 0
arfederation.odf 0
arptolemy.odf 0
arloknar.odf 0
arlarson.odf 0

Then save and open "GUI_global.spr" from the sprites folder

Then add the following lines under federation build buttons:

b_arhermes gbarhermes 0 0 64 64
b_arfederation gbarfederation 0 0 64 64
b_arptolemy gbarptolemy 0 0 64 64
b_arloknar gbarloknar 0 0 64 64
b_arlarson gbarlarson 0 0 64 64

Add these lines into the gui global under wireframes


ARfederationw1 ARfedwire 0 0 48 48
ARfederationw2 ARfedwire 48 0 48 48
ARfederationw3 ARfedwire 96 0 48 48
ARfederationw4 ARfedwire 144 0 48 48
ARfederationw5 ARfedwire 192 0 48 48

ARhermesw1 ARhermeswire 0 0 48 48
ARhermesw2 ARhermeswire 48 0 48 48
ARhermesw3 ARhermeswire 96 0 48 48
ARhermesw4 ARhermeswire 144 0 48 48
ARhermesw5 ARhermeswire 192 0 48 48

ARlarsonw1 ARlarsonwire 0 0 48 48
ARlarsonw2 ARlarsonwire 48 0 48 48
ARlarsonw3 ARlarsonwire 96 0 48 48
ARlarsonw4 ARlarsonwire 144 0 48 48
ARlarsonw5 ARlarsonwire 192 0 48 48

ARloknarw1 ARloknarwire 0 0 48 48
ARloknarw2 ARloknarwire 48 0 48 48
ARloknarw3 ARloknarwire 96 0 48 48
ARloknarw4 ARloknarwire 144 0 48 48
ARloknarw5 ARloknarwire 192 0 48 48

ARptolemyw1 ARptolemywire 0 0 48 48
ARptolemyw2 ARptolemywire 48 0 48 48
ARptolemyw3 ARptolemywire 96 0 48 48
ARptolemyw4 ARptolemywire 144 0 48 48
ARptolemyw5 ARptolemywire 192 0 48 48

Version    Author  Pizza the Hutt  Website   
Downloads  436  Size  1.59 MB  Created  2010-08-01 



#11 Nova_Star13 2010-08-09 17:43
Glad to help. The missing textures affect the Loknar class frigate engineering sections and nacelle pylons/struts. Upon closer examination I found this can easily corrected by creating copies of ARMirEng.tga & ARMirMisc.tga and renaming them Engineering.tga & Misc.tga respectively. Don't fret happens to everyone.
#12 icheb03 2010-08-11 09:31
For me the front bottom half of the Larson class is missing and the bottom saucer of the Ptolemy Class. I did make a copy and rename the textures but it did not correct it.
#13 Pizza_the_Hutt 2010-08-12 05:47
Submitted updated file with previously missing textures included. File went out two days ago.
#14 wildcard621 2010-08-16 13:51
Sweet! Love it!!!

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