ok, I am explaining this at length for people that will find this file in the future without having been here for the past few weeks, skip down quite a bit if your just after my review

A couple of weeks ago we held a poll on the POTD's:-;29115
which came out with DONUTS being one (1) singular vote away from being the order everybody wanted the POTD's posted in. Yes, we were wondering ourselves...
Anyway, in retaliation I posted up this POTD:-
hilarity ensued. Then at no.11 Falcon posted:-
#11 - wow! - Posted by: Falcon_uk (Member) on 09-07-2006 at 11:49
GREAT GRAPHICS!! Love the phaser fire and the romulan class donuts!!! 10/10!!
Which gave me an idea...
#12 - Posted by: Freyr (Armada 2 Files Staff) on 09-07-2006 at 12:08
One moddeler to create the "Donut" class confectionery. Ideally this class should be plain when constructed and chocolate covered when assimilated.
Fahres has rose to the challange and produced not only a Donut, but a Donut box as well! As you can see from the pictures this is great! Producing the donuts (even chocolate coloured when assimilated!) was great, and worthy of a ten all by itself but the Donut box is just pure brilliance! The writing on the bottom of the box was really the best thing added to the Donuts in terms of sheer humor

Unfortunately the filefront system won't allow me to mark things up as 11 or 12, so I am having to content myself with 10.
-Donut & Donut-Box-
-Information about this MOD
-Installation instructions
Warning: This Mod can lead to strong hunger attacks!
You have NO permission to change the model and/or to release it.
Ask me for authorisation: e-mail or ICQ-UIN (both under Contact).
The Copyright of the 3D-Models, the textures, weapons and pictures and everything coming with this Mod-Pack is by me.
1. Donuts!
2. Rotated HardPoints
3. Wireframe, Build Button, Admirals Pic
4. Box (yard) included
5. HiRes & LoRes textures
Information about this MOD:
This mod contains a Donut and a Donut-Box, in which you can build donuts,
and everything else which you need to install this pack.
If the donut gets assimilated it gets a tasty chocolate cover.
This Donutpack is particularly dedicated to all american donut-lovers.
More information can you find in the category: "Model-information".
Installation instructions
1. Copy the files:
in your Armada directory to "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\SOD"
INFORMATION: Ignore the file "fwdonut.odf" BUT rename the file "fwdonut_EN.odf" to "fwdonut.odf"
in your Armada directory to "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\ships"
INFORMATION: Ignore the file "fwdonutbox.odf" BUT rename the file "fwdonutbox_EN.odf" to "fwdonutbox.odf"
in your Armada directory to "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\stations"
INFO: If you think, that the first seven images are too big for your game,
then use the images listed below, but delete the "_lores" tag.
in your Armada directory to "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\Textures\RGB"
in your Armada directory to "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\bitmaps\AdmiralsLog\ShipImages"
2. Choose a construction ship, which should build the Donut-Box.
The Stock construction ship of the federation is fconst.odf. You can find it here:
"...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\ships"
-Open fconst.odf with your Windows Texteditor (Notepad) or an other Programm like this.
Look for the text:
buildItem10 = "forbital"
buildItem11 = "ftrading"
buildItem12 = "fupgrade"
-Write under the text: buildItem13 = "fwdonutbox".
-Attention: If you have already an entry with buildItem13,
you have to choose an other construction ship because
construction ships can only build 14 stations.
-Save the file and close it.
3.-Choose the directory: "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\techtree".
Open the file "" with the Windows Texteditor and search "fbattle.odf 0".
Write under this entry:
fwdonut.odf 0
fwdonutbox.odf 0
-Save the file and close it.
-Do not change the directory but open the file "" with the Texteditor.
Search following Entry:
fedpod24.odf 1 fedpod14.odf // research pod (engine upgrade level 3)
fedpod25.odf 1 fedpod15.odf // research pod (life support upgrade level 3)
-Write under this entry:
fwdonutbox.odf 0
-Search in the same file the entry:
fspecial.odf 2 fyard2.odf fresear2.odf // special (nebula class)
-Write under this entry:
fwdonut.odf 0
-Save the file and close it.
4.-Choose the directory: "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\Sprites".
open the file "gui_global.spr" with the Windows Texteditor.
Look for the entry:
b_fmining gbfmining 0 0 64 64
b_fsensor gbfsensor 0 0 64 64
-Write under this entry:
b_fwdonut fwdonutbb 0 0 64 64
b_fwdonutbox fwdonutybb 0 0 64 64
-Search in the same file the entry:
fupgradew1 fedwireframe07 0 192 48 48
fupgradew2 fedwireframe07 48 192 48 48
fupgradew3 fedwireframe07 96 192 48 48
fupgradew4 fedwireframe07 144 192 48 48
fupgradew5 fedwireframe07 192 192 48 48
-Write under this entry:
fwdonutw1 fwdonutwf 160 0 80 80
fwdonutw2 fwdonutwf 0 80 80 80
fwdonutw3 fwdonutwf 80 80 80 80
fwdonutw4 fwdonutwf 80 0 80 80
fwdonutw5 fwdonutwf 0 0 80 80
fwdonutboxw1 fwdonutywf 160 0 80 80
fwdonutboxw2 fwdonutywf 0 80 80 80
fwdonutboxw3 fwdonutywf 80 80 80 80
fwdonutboxw4 fwdonutywf 80 0 80 80
fwdonutboxw5 fwdonutywf 0 0 80 80
-Save the file and close it.
Polys: 576
Animation: no
High resolution texture: yes
Low resolution texture: yes
Borgtexture: yes
Wireframe: yes
Buildbutton: yes
ShipImage: yes
SOD by me: yes
adapted ODF: yes
Special-Weapons by me: none
Model has a real example: yes
Lightmaps: no
Hardpoints: 31 (hp01-hp29 and build and dock)
Polys: 2462
Animation: no
High resolution texture: yes
Low resolution texture: yes
Borgtexture: yes
Wireframe: yes
Buildbutton: yes
ShipImage: yes
SOD by me: yes
adapted ODF: yes
Special-Weapons by me: none
Model has a real example: yes
Lightmaps: no
Hardpoints: 39 (hp01-hp37 and build and repair)
With the Freeware Programm AssimView
is it possible to open the SODs to look for the harpoints.
Questions to:
ICQ: 148686453
This file is in no way connected to, or affiliated with Activision,
its employees, representatives, consortiums, or other persons or
companies associated with it. Therefore, the creator of this file,
Activision, and it's subsidiares take no responsibilty for harm this
file may do to your computer. Also, don't use others' models in mods
and or releases with out the authors permission.
Have fun with the Donuts!
FahreS @ -=WiCKeD=-HARKER
Version | Author | FahreS @ -=WiCKeD=-HARKER | Website | ||
Downloads | 419 | Size | 2.08 MB | Created | 2006-09-18 |
Frankly I am not going to download this, becuase I just don't want to. But oviously, creativity and origonality would get a 10 from me. I can't reall rate fun factor, but If I did download it, I would have fun with it.
Also, so what if armada files has donuts and heads? its just a few files that where made for fun. No harm done.
-Copyright 2006. All rights reserved.
This is awesome. Donut invasion. Amazing. Well done Fahres