Jem'Hadar Attackfighter Jem'Hadar Attackfighter

(19 votes)
1stJemHadar, 2002-06-28

A nice fighting ship, i took out around 3 interceptors at a time and its shields recharge quickly,

Jem'Hadar Attackfighter v.2.0 Polys: 896

This ship was created for use in Star Trek: Armada II. It will NOT work in Star Trek: Armada I.
The ship has been tested with the v.1.1 patch of STA2, it has, however, not been tested on an unpatched version of Armada 2.

!!!! NOTE I take no responibillty for any damage this minimod may cause NOTE !!!!

NOTE: This mod is NOT compatible with ANY other mods as it is now!! So don't try to just install this ship over another mod,
becouse you'll be overwriting changes in the sprite, odf and techtree files (perhaps some other as well) that the other mod

Automatic Installation.
Just run "Install.exe".

Manual Installation (on a patched STA:II):
Unzip the zipfile, which you've probobly already done since you are reading this readme file;)

1) Open the included "Ai" folder. Inside you will find a folder called "AIPs". Move the entire content of the "AIPs" folder
to your "AIPs" folder in your main STAII directory. Should be located at "c:\Program\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\Ai\AIPs"
(This will make the Ai build the ship)

2) Open the included "bitmaps" folder, inside you'll find another folder named "AdmiralsLog" open it. Inside you'll find
a 3rd folder, called "ShipImages", open it and move it's entire content to the folder with the same name in your main STAII
directory. Should be located at: "c:\Program\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\bitmaps\AdmiralsLog\ShipImages"
(This will make a picture of the fighter appear in the Admirals log)

3) Open the included "Sprites" folder and move it's entire conent to the folder with the same name in your main STAII
directory. Should be located at: "c:\Program\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\Sprites"
(This makes the ships build button appear)

4) Open the included folder "techtree" and move it's intire content to the folder with the same name in your main STAII
directory. Should be located at: "c:\Program\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\techtree"
(This tells what you need in order to build the ship)

5) Open the included "Textures" folder, inside you'll find a folder called "Rgb". Move the entire content of the "Rbg" folder
to the folder with the same name in your main STAII directory.
Should be located at: "c:\Program\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\Textures\RGB"
(The textures includes the build button, and the textures for the ship. Without these, the ship would be white)

6) Open the included "Sod" folder and move it's entire content to the folder with the same name in the main STAII directory.
Should be located at: "c:\Program\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\SOD"
(This is the ship itself)

7) Open the included folder called "odf". Inside you'll find three folders. "ships", "weapons" and "stations".
Move the conent of the "ships" folder the the "ships" folder in your main STAII directory.
Should be located at: "c:\Program\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\ships". Then move the entire content of
the "stations" folder the the "stations" folder in your main STAII directory,
should be located at: "c:\Program\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\stations".
Then you should open the "weapons" folder. Inside you'll find yet another two folders, "Phasers" and "Photons".
Move the entire contant of these two folders to their respective folder in the main STAII directory,
should be located at: "c:\Program\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\weapons\Phasers" and
"c:\Program\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\weapons\photons"
(These are the ODF files. One of them makes the ship buildeble at the Cardessian shipyard.
The other one tells the game what weapons the ship has, how many crew members it takes, how much it cost etc, etc...)

8) Start STAII. The ship is buildable from the Cardessian standard shipyard (not advanced shipyard).

If you wish to make changes to this ship (please, no changes to the sod!!), like add weapons or tractor beams.
Then there are two image files in the included folder named "hp maps", which includes two hardpoint maps(Logical,
the hp maps are in the hp maps folder;).

Contact info:

ICQ (user "1stJemHadar"): 104040090

I hope you'll have as fun with this ship as I had creating it. And I can assure you, I had a great time while constructing it;))

The Jem'Hadar Attackfighter:
The Jem'Hadar attackfighter was first seen in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "The Jem'Hadar". In that episode, three Jem'Hadar fighters where seen distroying an Galaxy class Federation starship!! Since then, this ship has appeared several times in DS9. More so in the later seasons. If you have not seen the later seasons of DS9, than I recomend that you do so emediatly!! ;))

Version  2.0  Author  1stJemHadar  Website   
Downloads  2,921  Size  350.65 KB  Created  2002-06-28 



#1 Mapguy 2003-08-22 23:05
This site rocks
#2 steel2 2003-10-13 12:13
When you say mod are you refering to other ship mods or game mods? :sad:

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