Founder's Private Yacht Founder's Private Yacht

(14 votes)
STGamerNew2002, 2003-09-12

Cool looking ship made by STGamerNew2002. I've always thought that the Founders should have been able to travel in style.

The Dominion latest Jem'Hadar creation of their ships: The Founder's Private Yacht. This ship
is exclusively for the founder's traveling & safety purposes on special surveillance mission. Heavily
shielded/armor plating hull and fast moving craft with basic phasers, torpedoes, pulse phasers
and phase-cloaking system.

'Founder's Private Yacht' class ship installation:

1.Copy any .SOD files into the SOD directory.

2.Copy any .tga files into the Textures\RGB directory.

3.Copy sprite.spr(*) & weapon.spr(*) files into the sprites directory.

4.Copy dcruise5.odf file into the odf\ships directory.

5.Copy dmpcloak & dmpcloakd.odf files into the odf\special weapons directory.

6.Copy any .bmp into bitmaps\AdmiralsLog\ShipImages directory.

7.Copy ed-comb.odf file into odf\other directory.

7.Copy events.dat file into Star Trek Armada2 Main Directory.

EDITING the files:

1. Open your file and add this to the 'Dominion Ships' list:

dcruise5.odf 4 dyard2.odf dresear2.odf dupgrade.odf zsuperbl.odf // cruiser5 (founder's yacht)

2. Open your file and add this to Dominion section list:

dcruise5.odf 0

3. Open your file and add this to the 'Dominion Ships' list:

dcruise5.odf 4 dyard2.odf dresear2.odf dupgrade.odf zsuperbl.odf // cruiser5 (founder's yacht)

4. Go to your 'dsuperbl.odf' folder and add the ship to the station's build list:

buildItemXX = "dcruise5"

(where 'XX' is the next number of item to be built)


1. Open your file and add this to the 'Dominion Ships' list:
dcruise5.odf 4 dyard2.odf dresear2.odf dupgrade.odf zsuperbl.odf // cruiser5 (founder's yacht)

And then add this to the 'Dominion Special Weapons' list:
dmpcloak.odf 0

2. Open your file and add this to Dominion section list:
dcruise5.odf 0
dmpcloak.odf 0 (under their weapons list)


BORG Texture: Lt_Commander(GREAT job he done!)

Version    Author  STGamerNew2002  Website   
Downloads  2,494  Size  1.31 MB  Created  2003-09-12 



#11 Cpt_Geddes 2003-09-18 22:34
Have you e-mailed me STgamernew2002?
#12 STGamerNew2002 2003-09-19 01:31
Yeah, Cpt_Geddes, I just sent you a email.
#13 Wraith_166 2004-07-13 05:19
Hey, STGamerNew2002, ever consider giving this ship some sort of "Shapeshift" special weapon instead of "Phase Cloak"?
#14 STGamerNew2002 2004-07-13 06:03

That weapon was already developed in the 'EXE' mod. It's called the 'Founder's Spy'. Only way to add that to this ship is just to ADD IT to the weapon's list here.
#15 Wraith_166 2004-10-01 00:26
No, what I meant was a weapon that lets you take on the shape and stats of an enemy vessel. I.E. The Founder's Yacht goes up against a Negh'Var, and, before either can fire a shot, uses

'Shapeshift' to become the enemy vessel. Then Klingon reinforcements arrive, and are so confused by the two Negh'Var's thta they don't know what to do. Meanwhile the Founder's Yacht calls for a battlegroup to come and attack the Klingons.
#16 STGamerNew2002 2004-10-01 03:23
It sounds OK (I guest ), but I never thought a shape shifter would take such a SHAPING-ABILITY that big to form into a ship.

I'll try to see if it's possible, but again I think they don't posees that much 'ability' to do so, plus it may be way to COMPLEX to become a 'vessel'. ;-)
#17 Commodore_Wolf 2005-05-26 12:46
@ Wraith_166

What you're describing sounds a lot like what's used in mirror universe fanfics by the Terran Empire called Holographic Camoflage. My guess is that it would work kind of like the Shadow class's holo-generator.
#18 Commodore_Wolf 2005-05-29 19:49
Why won't my Yachts move? Help please!
#19 dataforver 2007-05-08 22:20
when i downlaod this, it says that the file Dom_fighter_b.tga is corrupted

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