Dominion Carrier Dominion Carrier

(11 votes)
Wrath of Achilles, 2006-07-03

This is from the hit Star Trek game, "Dominion Wars" and, as per request, has been made by Achilles (and help from STGamer). All in all, I can't see what is wrong with the design, as quite honestly, it looks fine. Different, definitely, but fun and something interesting to look at.

Given it's stats, being "able to take on 4 battleships", it throws open as to how balanced it is...but then again, it's Dominion with multi-targeting customised weapons, so try it out yourself. The textures are flawless as expected and the Borg textures are VERY green, perhaps too much so, but, they were done and that is something rare. Complementing that is the build button, wireframe, admiral's log and all necessary files (just what we want). A foreboding sight in game, as can be easily seen in the pic below, she would be a very destructive addition to your Dominion what are you waiting for?

Dominion Carrier from Dominion Wars Class for ST:Armada 2 by Wrath of Achilles & STGamer2002

This is the Dominion Carrier as seen in the Dominion wars games, I personally don't like the design but I've had enough requests that this thing should just be done. I've armed it will with multi-targeting phasers, it should match up to four battleships.


Move all folders (Textures, odf, SOD, bitmaps) to your Star trek armada 2 directory

Open gui_global.SPR in your sprites directory and scroll down to the cardassian build
buttons. Add this line amongst the ships.

b_dcarrier gbdcarrier 0 0 64 64

Then in the wireframe section at the bottom add these lines.

dcarrierw1 dccwireframe 0 0 256 256
dcarrierw2 dccwireframe 0 0 256 256
dcarrierw3 dccwireframe 0 0 256 256
dcarrierw4 dccwireframe 0 0 256 256
dcarrierw5 dccwireframe 0 0 256 256

Open tech1.TT in your techtree folder and add this line.
(for neatness sake you can place with other Cardassian listings)

dcarrier.odf 2 cyard2.odf cresear2.odf

Open cyard2.odf in your odf/stations directory and scroll down to the build list and add
this after buildItem7

buildItem4 = "dcarrier"

or, to put it in it's correct place alter the list so this ship is under the ccruise1.
remember to keep the build list in ascending sequence.

All is done, enjoy.

Additional Information**

at 1496 polies this ship is fine for a heavy battleship/dreadnought and should not present any problems for low end machine users.

The sod and textures will work not work in armada 1, Email me for help on this
if needed.

Feel free to use this in any mod so long as credit is given to me for the model
and textures and STGamer2002 for button, odf and borg textures.

Feel free to edit the odfs in any way so long as credit is given, please contact me
if you wish to alter the model or textures.

Legal Stuff**

The material submitted with this readme is in no way connected to, or affiliated
with Activision, its employees, representatives, consortiums, or other bodies
directly or indirectly associated with the afore mentioned company. Therefore
if the files contained in this mod cause damage to your system in any way then
Activision cannot be held responsible or liable.



Thanks to STGamer2002 who helped me with the entire release.


Thanks, achilles


Version    Author  Wrath of Achilles  Website   
Downloads  1,459  Size  2.29 MB  Created  2006-07-03 



#11 Thermal_Nuclear_Chicken 2008-12-06 06:27
I had seen this ship somewhere but never knew exactly what it was. Now i know!

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