Dominion Bug Dominion Bug

(10 votes)
TGOWMU, 2002-06-28

A smaller dominion ship for armada 2. It is nicely done and fun to play in the game but installing it can be treadeos and may take several tries

Dominion Bug The Great One Warlords Modding Union


gui global ref 64

b_zjembug gbzjembug 0 0 64 64

wireframe REF 128!

zjembugw1 zwbug 40 0 40 40
zjembugw2 zwbug 0 40 40 40
zjembugw3 zwbug 40 40 40 40
zjembugw4 zwbug 80 0 40 40
zjembugw5 zwbug 0 0 40 40

weapon sprites ref 128

# Dominion Phaser
domphas domphas 0 0 128 32 @anim=tex1x4

# Dominion Photon Torpedo
domphot domphot 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4 and full tech

zjembug.odf 0

all tgas go into the rgb folder
sod goes into the sod folder
odf goes into the ship odf folder
photon odfs go in photon odf folder
phaser odfs go in phaser odf folder

add this ship to a yard you\'re done


Version    Author  TGOWMU  Website   
Downloads  1,696  Size  777.94 KB  Created  2002-06-28 



#1 Hustler_Alpha 2003-08-04 00:12
Is anyone out there
#2 sejen 2003-11-05 15:56

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