Nygean Prison Ship Nygean Prison Ship

(6 votes)
Avon, 2009-01-03

In the past, Avon has done some truly fantastic work on Delta Quadrant stuff. His models of the Caretaker's Array and others, as part of his previously released Delta Quadrant Pack, are probably the only ones of their kind of such high quality available for A2. Now Avon's gone a little further into the seldom-seen ships of Voyager's journey, and provided us with the Nygean prison ship.

You may remember that a ship of this kind, carrying brain-damaged passengers convicted of crimes and sentenced for execution, was featured in one episode, while another ship from this race was among Voyager's allies in the Void. All the details you'd expect in this kind of mod (which, as Avon points out, is clearly just a Vidiian ship reversed with a new engine) are here, and it looks great.

Download this one and continue your Delta Quadrant collection.


Nygean Prison Ship - FOR ARMADA 2


The Nygeans govern a sector of space within the Delta Quadrant. Encountered several times by voyager, most notably when they recued the crew and prisoners from this Nygean Prison ship which had taken damage.

As usual the designers working on the TV show kitbashed their models unashamedly, as I'm sure you will recognise this is just a vidiian ship turned backwards, with a new engine slapped on, Lol.


INSTALLATION --------------

Add the sod files to your sod folder

Add the odf files into the relevent odf folders. (ships, weapons)

Add all the bitmap files to your bitmaps/AdmiralsLog/ShipImages folder.

Add all the TGA files to your textures/RGB folder. (if you already have my varro ships installed, select to replace any files it asks you to)

Milkshape files included as usual for anyone wanting to tinker with them.

Locate a suitable yard to build from (eg fyard2) from within your odf/stations folder.
Add the following as the next available ship in your construction parameters:

buildItem4 = "nygean"


Locate your gui_global file from within your sprite folder.
Add the following at the end of the federation build buttons:

b_nygean gbnygean 0 0 64 64

Finally scroll down till you see the following:


# Ship Wireframes

Underneath this add the following:


nygeanw1 varrowf 128 128 128 128

Save all your cahnges in this file and exit.


Lastly, locate your fulltech file from within your techtree folder.
Add the following:

nygean.odf 0

repeat this with the file named tech1.



Meshes: Built by Avon
Textures: Avon
Odfs, buttons, and all other stuff: Avon

These ships were built for people to enjoy. If you want to re-release my models in any form
that is ok, but you MUST give credit

This is a freeware mod and not to be used for commercial gain. You instal this mod at your own risk.


Copyright notices:

Star Trek, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Voyager
(and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures, as are the characters,
related images, and sound from those productions. TM & (C) ACTIVISION & PARAMOUNT PICTURES


Version    Author  Avon  Website   
Downloads  421  Size  925.76 KB  Created  2009-01-03 



#1 Achilles 2009-01-03 12:27

you have me torn between adding a DQ side or a hell of a lot of map units.
#2 dan1025 2009-01-03 16:19
Another fantastic DQ ship, great work Avon! :-)

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