Zero Hour Cardassian Hendor Zero Hour Cardassian Hendor

(2 votes)
Aerilon, 2011-12-25


Star Trek: Armada II - Zero Hour
Hendor Class Warship


Hendor: The Hendor was designed as a Warship, constructed for a new era; and intended to shield the Union from future threats. Almost matching the Galaxy in size, and the Voodieh in weaponry, these ships are well armoured, and have a very high survivability rate in an extended battle.




- Mesh and Texture credited to Paul "Avon" Hare
- Concept for the Hendor is via Raven Night of Nightsoft
- Alterations to mesh and textures undertaken by me

- Wireframe, Build Button, AdmiralsLog Image, and other game-files were compiled by me (Ash Stephens).
- Contact:


- Created specifically for Zero Hour by Paul 'Avon' Hare at my request.

An outstanding model, that wouldn't have been possible without the brilliant concept. The Hendor was to be one of the few models that were really going to stand out in Zero Hour, thus I wanted to make sure she was going to get her moment.

Originally created as a 'stage-three' variant, the Hendor came to simply replace her two predecessors. After Paul had finished working on her, I took it upon myself to work on her some more; adding windows and weapon ports, rearranging parts of the hull ect. All the fine detail.



Unless you have already modified your Armada II Install, you wont need to overwrite anything.

Open the SOD folder -->

Put the sod files into the sod folder of Armada II.

Open the ODF folder -->

Put the ODF files into the odf/ships folder of Armada II.

Open the Textures/RGB folder -->

Put the TGA files into the Textures/RGB folder of Armada II.

Open the Bitmaps folder -->

Put the BMP files into the Bitmaps/AdmiralsLog/ShipImages folder of Armada II.

Open the Sprites folder -->

Find the 'gui_global.spr' file and open it.
Scroll down and locate:

# Cardassian build buttons

Below the 'b_cbattle2' line, add the following:

b_cwarship gbcHendor 0 0 64 64

Next, scroll down and locate:

#Cardassian wireframes

Below, enter the following:

cwarshipw1 zhChendorWF 0 0 128 128
cwarshipw2 zhChendorWF 0 0 128 128
cwarshipw3 zhChendorWF 0 0 128 128
cwarshipw4 zhChendorWF 0 0 128 128
cwarshipw5 zhChendorWF 0 0 128 128

Save and Exit.

Open the techtree folder -->

Find '' and add the following under the cardassian ships:

cwarship.odf 2 cresear2.odf cyard2.odf // warship

Next, locate the '' file, and add the following again under the cardassian ships:

cwarship.odf 0

Save and Exit.

File is now ready for skirmish use.


Usage Policy

These files are sanctioned for reuse in other Armada II Modifications through free distribution. Such the distributor need not contact me directly, though they will at all times, without excuse include this complete ReadMe in such a re-released file / completion project.

Unless specifically stated, these files are solely for Armada II use, and will not be converted to any other game, or for any other use without express permission. Conversion of these files is authorised only after acknowledgement by me.

Unless otherwise stated, these files are exclusive to Armada2Files (FileFront Network) and MSFC (Majestic Sci-Fi Central), and should not be hosted elsewhere.


Version    Author  Aerilon  Website  Website external 
Downloads  280  Size  2.31 MB  Created  2011-12-25 


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