Darnax-class Cardassian cruiser Darnax-class Cardassian cruiser

(3 votes)
Ddelderayx, 2004-07-20

It is not common to get Cardassian ships on the site, but it does happen. This ship is an upgraded Cardie warship, from the looks of it, but has equvilent armorments of a Galor. It uses the armada 2 stock look, so it is good for those of you that don't have high res models for the cardies, thus it doesn't stand out.

On a side note, it includes a HP map of the ship to better modify it. Thumbsup


MOD: Darnax-class Cardassian cruiser vessel
Ddelderayx 2004

Mesh: Ddelderayx and Frozen_Flame
ODFs: Ddelderayx
Texture: Activision - Cardassian Galor-class vessel 'C_galor.tga'

It will allow you to build and use the 'Darnax' class vessel when playing as
the Cardassians.


The Darnax class vessel is fitted with the following technologies:

o One foreward firing phaser weapon array (hp01)
o One plasma torpedo launcher (hp14)
o Cardassion cloaking technolgies
o Standard issue tractor beam (hp02)
o Cardassian Impulse Engine Boost
o Self Destruct capabilities

It's vital stats are similar to the Galor-class Cardassian vessel.

Fourteen hard points are provided, these are described in the JPEG image file HPS.JPG if you wish to modify the Darnax.


The Darnax vessel modification is provided with the following files in compressed .ZIP archive format:-

o cdarnax.sod - Storm3d file containing model.
o cdarnax.odf - Object Definition File containing vessel statistics and armourments
o cdarnax.bmp - Bitmap image for 'Admiral's Log' in ST:A2
o hps.jpg - JPEG image containing hard point information
o readme.txt - This file.

These files are also provided for use if NO OTHER MODIFICATIONS are present:

o tech1.tt - Standard Technology tree. Makes the DARNAX avaliable in normal tech only - other techtrees will not
have access to the Darnax class.
o gui_global.spr - Sprite containing build button (set to Raslisk class style, I don't have a build button for the Darnax)
0 cyard2.odf - Second construction yard with the Darnax added.

If you've installed other mods, the Darnax class will have to be added to the shipyard of your choice by inserting
the following line into a Constuction Yard such as 'cyard2.odf':

buildItemx = "cdarnax"

where 'x' represents the next free number in the list. In the event that no Cardassian mods have been added to your ST:A2 installation, the provided file cyard2.odf can be used instead.


This README assumes that your copy of ST:A2 is installed at location \STA2. If not, substitute the path \STA2 with the
path to your installation of ST:A2.

o Copy 'cdarnax.SOD' to \STA2\SOD
o Copy 'cdarnax.odf' to \STA2\ODF\SHIPS
o Copy 'tech1.tt' to \STA2\TechTree (if no other mods are present)
o Copy 'gui_global.spr' to \STA2\sprites (if no other mods are present)
o Copy 'cyard2.odf' to \STA2\odf\stations (if no other mods are present)
o Copy 'cdarnax.bmp' to \STA2\bitmaps\AdmiralsLog\ShipImages


This is the first model I've ever put up for download, so comments would be much appriciated! If you want to discuss my model, please email me at naquada@thevortex.com.

Version    Author  Ddelderayx  Website   
Downloads  761  Size  173.49 KB  Created  2004-07-20 



#11 armad2 2004-07-22 07:57
Ill put it up right away.

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