Cardassian Pack Cardassian Pack

(2 votes)
CanadianBorg, 2008-10-08

Once again, a set of Cardassian ship ports done by CanadianBorg, this time with the questionable content replaced with a "heavily modified" version. Hopefully that'll be sufficient to get around the copyright breach of the previous version.

As said in the previous review, it'd be nice to see some original content from CanadianBorg that wasn't a ported model. Still, as ports go, these aren't bad. And most of the comprehensive modding required to get them to fully work in-game --with new weapons sprites and buildbuttons (but no wireframes).


Cardassian Ship Pack by KMA_Kane and Deemon, Converted to A2 by CanadianBorg

Any pointers or advice would be appreciated.

This is a set of Cardassian ships ships for A2. It features 13 new Cardassian ships, from an advanced scout to a dreadnaught capable of taking on a whole fleet at once. All the ships were created by KMA_Kane (thanks for letting me use these!) for SFC3, and the yard was made by Deemon (whom I was unable to contact prior to release due to a dead e-mail) for BC. Textures by Zorg, whom I was unable to contact due to a dead e-mail. The weapon sprites (apart from the arc weapon on the dreadnaught) are by AnunC8 (originally for Legacy, thanks for letting the community use these), and the arc weapon is from the computer game "Sins of a Solar Empire" by Ironclad Games and Stardock Entertainment, heavily modified by apoclaydon (thanks for that, man!).


Open the archive file and extract the folder "Cardassian Pack" somewhere outside your A2 directory.

Copy all the folders inside to your root A2 directory. If it asks to overwrite, say yes.

Now, open gui_global.spr in the "sprites" folder in your A2 main directory with Notepad, and scroll down to the Cardassian build buttons. Now enter:

b_cyard3 gbcyard3 0 0 64 64
b_caldara gbcaldara 0 0 64 64
b_cboknor gbcboknor 0 0 64 64
b_cbralek gbcbralek 0 0 64 64
b_cetam gbcetam 0 0 64 64
b_cgroumall gbcgroumall 0 0 64 64
b_chutes gbchutes 0 0 64 64
b_ckoranak gbckoranak 0 0 64 64
b_ckraxon gbckraxon 0 0 64 64
b_cprakesh gbcprakesh 0 0 64 64
b_crabol gbcrabol 0 0 64 64
b_cravinok gbcravinok 0 0 64 64
b_ctrager gbctrager 0 0 64 64
b_cvetar gbcvetar 0 0 64 64

below the last item.

Now go down to special weapon buttons and enter the following:

b_gtragergate gbionstm00 0 0 64 64

below the last item.

Now save and close gui_global.spr and open weapon.spr.

Find this entry:

# End new weapons


# Romulan Disruptor for Romulan Aen'laehval (Shadow Wing) Class Warbird
rhdisruptor wvalpulse1 0 65 256 130

# Romulan Photon Torpedeo for the Romulan Aen'laehval (Shadow Wing) Class Warbird
rmtphoton wrtorp1 0 0 85 85 @anim=tex3x3


And add in the following below it:

# CanadianBorg's Cardassian Pack Phaser
cardpackphas cardpackphas 0 0 128 32 @anim=tex1x4

# CanadianBorg's Cardassian Pack Phaser 2
cardpackphas2 cardpackphas2 0 0 128 32 @anim=tex1x4

# CanadianBorg's Cardassian Pack Pulse Phaser
cardpackpphas cardpackpphas 0 64 128 64

# CanadianBorg's Cardassian Pack Plasma Torpedo
cardpackphot cardpackphot 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4

# CanadianBorg's Cardassian Pack Plasma Torpedo 2
cardpackphot2 cardpackphot2 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4

#CanadianBorg's Cardassian Pack Cardassian Arc Weapon
cardpackpphas2 cardpackpphas2 128 128 128 128

Save and close weapon.spr and go to the techtree folder within the A2 directory with Notepad. Now open Scroll down to the Cardassian ships and add:

caldara.odf 2 cyard3.odf cresear2.odf
cboknor.odf 2 cyard3.odf cresear2.odf
cbralek.odf 2 cyard3.odf cresear.odf
cetam.odf 2 cyard3.odf cresear.odf
cgroumall.odf 2 cyard3.odf cresear2.odf
chutes.odf 2 cyard3.odf cupgrade.odf
ckoranak.odf 2 cyard3.odf cresear.odf
ckraxon.odf 2 cyard3.odf cresear2.odf
cprakesh.odf 2 cyard3.odf cresear2.odf
crabol.odf 2 cyard3.odf cresear.odf
cravinok.odf 2 cyard3.odf cupgrade.odf
ctrager.odf 2 cyard3.odf cupgrade.odf
cvetar.odf 2 cyard3.odf cresear.odf

below the last item.

Now scroll down to the Cardassian stations and enter the following:

cyard3.odf 1 cresear.odf

below the last item.

Now scroll down to the Cardassian special weapons and enter the following:

gtragergate.odf 2 cyard3.odf cupgrade.odf

below the last item.

Now save and close Open with Notepad and enter the following anywhere in the list:

cyard3.odf 0
caldara.odf 0
cboknor.odf 0
cbralek.odf 0
cetam.odf 0
cgroumall.odf 0
chutes.odf 0
ckoranak.odf 0
ckraxon.odf 0
cprakesh.odf 0
crabol.odf 0
cravinok.odf 0
ctrager.odf 0
cvetar.odf 0
gtragergate.odf 0

Now save and close the file.

Now Go to the odf folder, and go to "stations". Open cconst.odf with Notepad, and enter the following:

buildItemxx = "cyard3"

Where "xx" is the next number in the list (replace it with this number).

Save and close cconst.odf.

That's it! You're ready to use the Cardassian pack in your game! I might be coming out with more A3 leftovers by the way, so stay tuned!


This mod is not made or supported by Activision or Paramount.
CanadianBorg Industries, KMA_Kane, or Deemon cannot be held responsible for any damage to your computer or your game by this mod.

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, you can e-mail me at

If you wish to use these ships in any of your mods, please ask me first. Thank you.

Version  1.1  Author  CanadianBorg  Website   
Downloads  383  Size  9.92 MB  Created  2008-10-08 



#1 mikemckeon007 2008-10-12 14:26
this is an awesome mod. there arnt many cardassian ship packs out there but this one meets and beats all my expectations. good job.
#2 ameba 2008-10-14 00:35
this are the ugliest kitbashes i have seen in a while . they add more choice to the cardassians - but not more beauty. one of achilles models does more to the game than this pack.
#3 Firestorm603 2008-10-19 05:03
I get the swap file size msg when I mod this in. Which file has the orphan " inside it?
#4 CanadianBorg 2008-10-20 14:41
To #3: That's strange. I don't get that message when I play the Cardies. I'm not sure, just because I haven't encountered this before with this mod at least.


P.S. Resistance is futile, eh?

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