Rotors Cube Rotors Cube

(8 votes)
S618-18741, 2004-02-12

This is Director Ankin Rotors Cube from virtual voyager series. It has the Sernaix hull armour (green) and slipstream, as well as regeneration, transwarp and holding beam. This may unbalance the game a bit (well a lot) now resistance is futile.

Version    Author  S618-18741  Website  Website external 
Downloads  777  Size  470.43 KB  Created  2004-02-12 



#1 Darth 2004-02-14 14:15
why have both slipstream and transwarp?

surely it *needs* only one or the other...?
#2 Captain_Reisen 2004-02-14 16:49
From a game perspective, this would not be advantageous to have both drives (unless one was cheaper in special energy than the other) but in "real life", it's good to have a back-up system of faster-than-light travel.
#3 S618_18741 2004-02-15 07:33
It needs both because this was about recreating Rotor's cube, which means it nedds both even if it has no real function in the game, they still both work so use your favorite.
#4 ewm91 2004-02-18 17:32
but i do agree too much is too much.

if you cood edit tham to make tham difrant from ech uther maby one can get you ferther the uther faster.

mabe one will cripal uther ships neer bye wile the uther uses less energy
#5 Guest 2004-04-19 06:25
I must say I only found your great site a few days ago and I am very much impressed with me being a great fan of star trek and their computor games. When download your fantastic ships I must say it makes a huge difference whether I have to edit thousands of lines of code than just to run the .exe . Because I love these ships so much please could you make thjem easy to install as it makes a huge difference to if me and friends download it .

Thanks in advance and really brilliant site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guest (soon to become member)

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