Fusion Sphere Fusion Sphere

(4 votes)
Unknown / Anonymous, 2007-11-25

First, take a Borg Sphere. Then, take another different Sphere. Okay, six in total. Put 'em together (as only the Borg Queen can), what do you get? A fusion Sphere!

This little mod adds nothing new in terms of models, but as simple .ODF mods go, you can't ask for much more. Well, okay, you really could. Like more powerful weapons. Each stock Borg Sphere has a single phaser and a torpedo launcher. The fusion cube fires eight beams (from eight cubes-- get it?) and NO torpedoes. It also maintains the standard 'regeneration' special weapon. So really, it doesn't do a whole lot more than eight spheres working in a formation would do. It just does them in a bigger ship.

At least it enjoys what I consider to be its most credible asset: a complete set of details (admiral's log pic, how to add the stock wireframe, easy to follow instructions).

Give this one a shot if you're looking for something new from the Borg.


- the Kid

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1.Add 'bcruise4.odf' to the ships folder in the odf folder

2.Replace the original 'bcruise1.odf' with the modified version, or add these lines to the original:

// fuse the spheres
weaponX = "gsphereIntegrator"
weaponHardpointsX = "hp01" "hp06" "hp11" "hp16" "hp21" "hp26"

replace 'x' with the next number in the sequence

3.Add the 'gsphereintegrator.odf' to the special weapons folder in the odf folder

4.Add these lines to 'gui_global.spr' in the Sprites folder


bcruise4w1 borgwireframe01 0 96 48 48
bcruise4w2 borgwireframe01 48 96 48 48
bcruise4w3 borgwireframe01 96 96 48 48
bcruise4w4 borgwireframe01 144 96 48 48
bcruise4w5 borgwireframe01 192 96 48 48

//NOTE: Add this line with all the other special weapons

b_gsphereintegrator gbcubeintegrator00 0 0 64 64

5.Add the 'Bcruise4.sod' to the SOD folder

6.Add 'brcuise4.bmp' to the Shipimages folder in the Admiral's Log folder in the bitmaps folder

7.Add these lines to 'tech1.tt'

<under borg ships>

bcruise4.odf 0

<under borg special weapons>

gsphereIntegrator.odf 0

8.Add the lines above to 'fulltech.tt', but put them with the other borg stuff

9.THAT's IT!!!! (i think...)


The Fusion sphere is 8 borg spheres fused into 1. It is more powerful than 8 spheres, and makes a good attacking and defending ship.

Neither Activision nor I can be held responsible for any damage caused to your machine with the use of these files, not that they actually cause damage.

People can use the fusion sphere, as long as credit is given to me, Jarodious Maximus.

P.s. To read the heading, put this file in fullscreen.
Version    Author  Unknown / Anonymous  Website   
Downloads  308  Size  280.75 KB  Created  2007-11-25 



#1 Freyr 2007-11-26 06:23
Actually, that might make the sphere worth using. The stock one isn't, because it takes so little to kill it that the regeneration is of no use.

If you increase the hit points, it might be usable.
#2 Eluvatar 2007-11-26 17:21
now what dose this replace because I know that you can only have like 2 fusion weapons in this game so what dose this replace?
#3 theStarfleetKid 2007-11-26 19:53
I wasn't aware of any limit on fusion weapons. My game uses at least four or five. You must be thinking of the saucer separator.
#4 ameba 2007-11-27 10:36
shouldnt a fusion spere look like a pack of balls? a molecule or something like that?
#5 rikkardnovacat 2007-12-17 17:52
i was just thinking that

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