Borg Portal Cube
If you're planning on submitting a mod for the Welcome Home Modding Contest, here's some of your competition. You've seen it developing in the forums, now pepperman gives us his Borg Portal Cube.
The Borg have assimilated a race of advanced beings which were masters of trans-dimensional portal technology. The Borg adapted this technology into the collective and have outfitted this tactical cube with an experimental trans-dimensional portal generator. This vessel has been specifically designed with an internal spherical dome which serves as a lens to focus the massive amount of energy created by the generator. Once the proper amount of energy is obtained and the desired frequency reached, the cube fires a focused beam enabling a trans-dimensional portal to be opened. A deadly alien ship emerges from the portal. Beware of the Shadows!

* Name: Borg Portal Cube
* Version: 1.0
* Game: Armada II
* Borg Model Credits:
* - Ship Designed Inspired by: Valve's Weighted Companion
* cube and the Weighted Companion Cube papercraft by
* Moony for /po/
* - Mesh Developer: Pepperman
* - Texture Maps: Borg Textures by C2EXTREME, DARK DRONE
* with modifications by CaptainRussell
* Shadow Helix Credits:
* - Ship Designed and Modeled by: Andrey Kurin
* - Textures: Babylon 5 mod
* Wireframe, Build Buttons and Object Definition Files (ODFs):
* - Activision and Mad Doc Software
* - Pepperman
* Other textures:
* - Activision and Mad Doc Software
* - Borg torpedo and cutting beam textures by Rake
* + Homepage:
* + Contact:
* - Borg specific phaser flare
* + icewolf132
* + stevewolf87_at_gmail_dot_com
* - Shadow and Borg Beam Weapon textures by
* AnunC8 (Unique Weapon Sprites (Modder's Resource)
* + Contact: anunc8(@)yahoo(.)com
* + Orginal textures modified
* - Shadow specific phaser flare
* + icewolf132's idea
* + Textures from A2
* Audio Files:
* - Babylon 5 mod.
The Borg have assimilated a race of advanced beings which were masters
of trans-dimensional portal technology. The Borg adapted this technology
into the collective and have outfitted this tactical cube with an
experimental trans-dimensional portal generator. This vessel has been
specifically designed with an internal spherical dome which serves as a
lens to focus the massive amount of energy created by the generator. Once
the proper amount of energy is obtained and the desired frequency reached,
the cube fires a focused beam enabling a trans-dimensional portal to be
opened. A deadly alien ship emerges from the portal. Beware of the
Setup Instructions:
1. Download file
Download file, virus check and extract files to a known location other than
the Armada II directory
2. Copy files
Copy the model files (i.e., *.SOD) to your SOD Directory
C:Program FilesActivisionStar Trek - ArmadaSOD
Copy the object definition files (i.e.,*.odf) to the odf directories
C:Program FilesActivisionStar Trek Armada IIodfother
C:Program FilesActivisionStar Trek Armada IIodfships
C:Program FilesActivisionStar Trek Armada IIodfspecial_weapons
C:Program FilesActivisionStar Trek Armada IIodfweaponsPhasers
C:Program FilesActivisionStar Trek Armada IIodfweaponsPhotons
Copy the texture files (i.e., *.tga) to your textures directory
C:Program FilesActivisionStar Trek Armada IITexturesRGB
Copy the bitmap files (i.e., *.bmp) to your bitmaps directory
C:Program FilesActivisionStar Trek Armada IIbitmapsAdmiralsLogShipImages
Copy the sound files (i.e., *.wav) to your soundseffects directory
C:Program FilesActivisionStar Trek Armada IIsoundseffects
3. Mod the shipyard file and make it buildable
Open the Borg shipyard odf file (e.g., byard2.odf) and insert a
new builditem under the construction parameters:
// Construction Parameters
buildItemX = "bpcube"
Where X is the next available number in the sequence.
4. Mod the appropriate Techfile files
Open the appropriate techtree file (e.g., is for standard tech mode)
and add the following lines under the respective header.
// ***[ BORG SHIPS ]******************************
bpcube.odf 2 byard2.odf bupgrade.odf // battleship (portal cube)
shelix.odf 0 // Alien battleship
// ***[ BORG SPECIAL WEAPONS ]********************
gportaleffect.odf 0 // Trans-dimensional Portal Generator
5. Mod the Gui_global.spr to add build buttons and wireframes
Open the gui_global.spr file located in the Sprites
folder and add the following lines under respective headings
C:Program FilesActivisionStar Trek Armada IISprites
# Borg build buttons
b_bpcube gbbpcube 0 0 64 64
# Special weapon buttons
b_gportaleffect gbportalgen 0 0 64 64
# Borg wireframes
bpcubew1 borgwireframe01 0 0 48 48
bpcubew2 borgwireframe01 48 0 48 48
bpcubew3 borgwireframe01 96 0 48 48
bpcubew4 borgwireframe01 144 0 48 48
bpcubew5 borgwireframe01 192 0 48 48
6. Modify the weapons sprite (i.e., weapon.spr) to add weapon references
Open the weapon.spr file located in the Sprites
C:Program FilesActivisionStar Trek Armada IISprites
Add the following lines under the respective headers:
# Cube cutting beam 2
borgcuttingbeam wcbeam2 0 0 256 42 @anim=tex1x6
# Tac Cube beam 1
wtcbeam1 wtcbeam1 0 0 256 64 @anim=tex1x4
# Shadow Beam Weapon
shadowbeam shbeam 0 0 256 64 @anim=tex1x4
# Tac Cube torpedo 1
wtctorp1 wtctorp1 0 0 85 85 @anim=tex3x3
# Shadow Molecular Pulse Cannon
shadowpulse shpulse 0 32 128 64
# Borg Portal Generation Beam
Wportalgenbm Wportalgenbm 0 0 128 21 @anim=tex1x4
# Phaser Flare
ShadowFlare sflare 0 0 64 64 @anim=tex2x2
# Borg Phaser Flare
BorgFlare BorgFlare 0 0 64 64 @anim=tex2x2
7. Modify the nebula sprite (i.e., nebula.spr) to add the following references
# @reference=texture size in pixels from which the u,v,w, and h values
# were measured. This value will effect all subsequent textures until
# a different value is specified.
# Name File U V W H
pmp energy 0 0 128 128 @anim=tex2x2
# @sprite_node name sprite animation (width,height) (r,g,b)
# RGB Colour values range from 0 (none) to 1.0 (full intensity)
@sprite_node pmp pmp const (40,40) (1,1,1) billboard
8. Mod the damage sprite (i.e.,damage.spr) to add/upgrade damage mechanisms
Open the damage.spr located in the Sprites folder.
C:Program FilesActivisionStar Trek Armada IISprites
Add the following lines:
# damage sprite texture info
origin xspark01 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4
sparks xspark02 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4
# @sprite_node name sprite animation (width,height) (r,g,b)
# RGB Colour values range from 0 (none) to 1.0 (full intensity)
#damage sprite nodes
@sprite_node sd1 sparks const (2,2) (0,1,0) billboard
@sprite_node sd2 sparks const (2,2) (0,1,0) billboard
@sprite_node sd3 sparks const (2,2) (0,1,0) billboard
@sprite_node sd4 sparks const (2,2) (0,1,0) billboard
@sprite_node sd5 sparks const (2,2) (0,1,0) billboard
@sprite_node sd6 sparks const (2,2) (0,1,0) billboard
@sprite_node sd7 sparks const (2,2) (0,1,0) billboard
@sprite_node sd8 sparks const (2,2) (0,1,0) billboard
9. Modify the races.odf to add the alien ship
Open the races.odf file located in odf folder.
C:Program FilesActivisionStar Trek Armada IIodfother
Add the following line
raceX = "alien.odf"
where x is the next number in the sequence.
After adding the line of code, adjust the total quantity of races
in your mod.
numberOfRaces = Z
where Z = the total number of races in your mod.
10. Have fun with the Borg Portal Cube
I hope you enjoy this addition to ST Armada II. Have fun.
11. Contact Info
Feel free to drop me a line and let me know what you thought of the addon.
11. Uninstall Info
Reverse the steps above to remove this ship.
12. Legal
This material is not made or supported by Activision or MAD DOC Software. This material is freeware and may not be use for commercial purposes! By installing this addon, you (the user) agree to and assume all risks of said addon. As a result, I take no responsibility for any damages that may occur to your game, mod or hardware.
Star Trek and related marks are trademarks of Paramount Pictures. Activision is a
registered trademark of Activision, Inc. All right reserved. All other trademarks
and trade names are the properties of their respective owners.
Version | mod contest entry | Author | Pepperman | Website | |
Downloads | 375 | Size | 3.84 MB | Created | 2009-05-04 |