borg cassette
Before there were DVDs and CDs --before there were Borg-- there was magnetic tape. Why exactly the Borg would have an interest in such an outdated, obsolescent technology (let alone sufficient interest in turning it into a spacefaring weapon of sorts) isn't quite clear. One thing's certain, however. The Borg could make one seriously terrifying mix tape.
mash1971 referred to this as "holiday silliness". That was an understatement.
Worth a look.
ts christmas time for the borg
and bad santa has given them a cassette of william shatner's greatest hits album
resistance is most definetly futile....
put bmp file in the bitmaps/admirals log/ship images folder
put sod file in the sod folder
put tga files in the textures/rgb folder
put bcassette.odf in the odf/ships folder
put qmpulse.odf and qmpulseo.odf in the odf/weapons/pulse folder
put qphot.odf and qphoto.odf in the odf/waepons/photons folder
open gui global file in the sprites folder
under borg build buttons
add this line
b_bcassette gbbcass 0 0 64 64
under borg wireframes
add this line
bcassettew1 wfbcass 0 0 128 128
save file
in the same folder,open the weapon file
find this line
# Blue phaser
blphaser Wphaser 0 86 128 21
add this line underneath
# Blue phaser
blphaserc Wphaserc 0 86 128 21
save file
in the tech1 file in the techtree folder
under borg ships
add this line
bcassette.odf 2 byard2.odf bresear2.odf
save file
in the same folder, open the fulltech file
add this line
bcassette.odf 0
save file
add to byard2.odf in the odf/stations folder
builditem** = "bcassette"
happy xmas
textures by activision and mad doc
model by mash
Version | Author | mash1971 | Website | ||
Downloads | 266 | Size | 648.12 KB | Created | 2008-12-18 |
P.S. Resistance is futile, eh?
lol this
Very funny!
XD hahahahaaah XD this has got to be the funniest mod design ive ever seen XD