Borg Advanced Tactical Cube Re-Texture
This is a re-texture of the advanced tactical cube for Armada II. The texture is okay, although you can see where it appears to have been flipped then rotated. Judge for yourself.
This is a retexture of the advanced tactical cube by (the master?)
Now I'm not exactly sure as to whether the sod was created by another individual or by
the texture creator.So if it's your sod,please accept my apologies for not including you
Now for how to install,etc...
Included are the retextured tga,new build button,new wireframe,odf,techtree info,global sprite info.
Now it does make it buildable in single player mode(in other play borg missions
with ability to build the ship).Although I'm not sure whether the AI can build it independently.
May need to edit the ship into your borg AIP sets..this package does not include an AIP edit as
I have not advanced that far yet.Do not want to screw up my personal mod or anyone elses..heh.
ok first the techtree entry:
in under BORG SHIPS go to the last ship entry and enter the following line and then save..
bbattle5.odf 2 byard2.odf bresear2.odf // battleship (advanced tactical cube)
now for to where you see bbattle4.odf 0 and just under it enter
bbattle5.odf 0
now close and save..
for other .tt entries such as demotech,earlytech just follow the sample steps for entering the
info in
now for sprite entries for the build button and wireframe..this is made easy.
open gui_global.spr and move to the last borg build button entry under: @reference=64 ..borg.
b_bbattle5 gbbbattle5 0 0 64 64
bbattle5w1 tacbw 0 0 64 64
bbattle5w2 tacbw 0 0 64 64
bbattle5w3 tacbw 0 0 64 64
bbattle5w4 tacbw 0 0 64 64
bbattle5w5 tacbw 0 0 64 64
save and close.
now navigate to your odf\ships folder and open byard2.odf and enter the following line under
ship construction parameters:
buildItemXX = "bbattle5"
"XX" represents the next number in ship build order...
ie: buildItem03 = "bbattle05"
now save and close byard2.odf
now just copy all tga files to textures\rgb folder,copy all sod files to \sod folder,place the
ship.odf in the odf\ships folder...that's it.
Now I'll say up front that I havent progressed enough to use the modeling tools,etc so Im kinda
learning on these easier texture files that I can actually see ship texture..not the transparent
stuff please bare with me as I learn and progress.
I hope you enjoy the retexture
Curtis R.
Version | Author | Curtis | Website | ||
Downloads | 357 | Size | 731.94 KB | Created | 2006-10-28 |
This is a re-texture of the advanced tactical cube for Armada II. The texture is okay, although you can see where it appears to have been flipped then rotated. Judge for yourself."
true i did exactly that.,not the best i admit.i am trying to do that really didnt turn out how i wanted at all...still not to bad.
now the armored cube actually looks like a prototype cube with armor.
although i see the point of protecting modders work,i cant see where the issue is if proper credit is given for the original creators work.