Asimilated Soverign
From the Readme:
This seems to be a pretty powerful ship and held it's own against 3 tatical borg cubes when i played earlier.
I readjusted some of the weapons to make it more powerful as well as adding a tractor beam, and increasing
the special weapons energy. Just make sure to have this built from your Borg shipyard and it will automatically
have Borg textures for the ship.
Assimilated Sovereign class ship
This seems to be a pretty powerful ship and held it's own against 3 tatical borg cubes when i played earlier.
I readjusted some of the weapons to make it more powerful as well as adding a tractor beam, and increasing
the special weapons energy. Just make sure to have this built from your Borg shipyard and it will automatically
have Borg textures for the ship.
1. Unzip the files to where you can locate them easily
2. Open your Armada II directory
3. Place the sod file in the SOD directory, and the ODF file
in the ODF folder
4. You'll want to open up your Techtree folder, then open fulltech. Add the line
bsov.odf 0
Then save.
5. Then open tech1 and add this line
bsov.odf 1 byard2.odf // sovereign (assimilated ship)
to the borg ships part of tech1,
gcorbom 0
to the borg weapons line, then save.
6. Open up the Sprites directory and open up gui_global. Find the part where it lists
the borg ships and add this line.
b_bsov gbsov 0 0 64 64
then save.
Any questions for this, please let me know.
Version | Author | Jason Hensley | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,179 | Size | 967.98 KB | Created | 2002-10-31 |
now the borg have the prefect wepion for we r the borg lower your sheld and preper to be borded
(P.S make 2 diffrent versions 1 with ablatev armor and 1 with out make the 1 with armour cost 1 hell of a prise and make its buld time slow so it balances out the power of it
Any other comments anyone, good or bad?