Arnored Cube
This is the (hopefully) Final version of Agroborg's Armored Cube. All of the bugs from poevious versions should be gone, so download it!

Hi , i am Agroborg and this is my
armored cube version 4.0: the final
The vessel can deploy armor to protect itself of any form of attack and shoot Borg assimilated transphasic torpedoes (hehehehehe!!!)
To install just copy:
*Tga to the texture folder,
*Sod to the sod folder,
*Barmor and barmored to the ships folder,
*Armor and armorre to the special weapon folder.
*Then add barmor and barmored to the borg ships, Armor and armorre to the borg weapons in the tech1 file.
*In the gui_global.spr in the special weapons section add:
b_armor gbcubearmor 0 0 64 64
b_armorre gbcubearmor 0 0 64 64
*And finally add âbarmorâ to the borg yard
To install the new borg weapon:
*Copy the odf`s to special weapons folder
*Copy ttorp.wav to sounds/effects.
*To techtree and in tech1 in the section of borg special weapons add: transtorp.odf 0
*To sprites and in gui_global.spr in the section of special weapons add:
b_atranstorp atranstorp 0 0 64 64
Then in weapons.spr below: @reference=256
# Transphasic Torp
atranstorp atpt 0 0 64 64 @anim=tex4x4
And please say in the forum if you liked it
And a final thing:
Thanxs to Chris5110uk2k for his textures
Version | 4.0 (Final) | Author | AgroBorg | Website | |
Downloads | 1,796 | Size | 523.76 KB | Created | 2002-10-10 |
Saying something looks stupid without a reason is like eating when you're full; it doesn't make sense.
This is not the only time you've been out of line though; I can remember at least 5 other comments that were extremely rude and inapproiate.
If you don't like something, fine. If you're going to flame, I suggest you make a better version of the said file, or keep your mouth shut.
Last warning.