Shadow Warlock
Agroborg's upgraded Warlock Class available for download.

Hello I Am AGROBORG , and this is my upgraded Warlock Class Destroyer, I saw this model first in Babylon 5 for Armada 2, and I tried to make a darker model with more "spikes"like a Shadow vessel, so i came up with this .
Hope you like it!!!!!!
Installation :
Odf to odf`s
Tga to RGB
Sod to sod`s
Then put the ship in you prefered shipyard.
Advances in engineering and weapons technology purchased from the Narn, combined with stolen technology from the Centauri and Dilgar, Earth scientists were able to fit the Warlock Destroyer with two Aegis class, railed particle-beam cannons - weapons of the same type used on the G.O.D defense satelites orbiting Earth. This would mean the Warlock would be Earth's first mobile defense platform with a weapon at it's disposal on par with those used by the Minbari, an engineering feat deemed impossible only a few years before.
With assistance from Shadow Thralls, the final design element of the Warlock class Heavy Destroyer was completed; the advantage that would set the Warlock apart from all other ships and make them a terror to behold... Shadow bio-organic technology.
Version | Author | AgroBorg | Website | ||
Downloads | 705 | Size | 196.77 KB | Created | 2004-02-01 |
oh and on the side why do other sifi show ships keep showing up on a STARTREK GAME?!?!?
otherwise, it's a beautiful adaptation and I can't wait to try it out, and i can't wait to see if you or someone else do come up with a Shadow Omega class
btw, it's not shameful to be a fan of another series. i've been a life long trek fan, but, as any sci-fi fan should realize, it's about keeping your mind OPEN and appreciating the art being put on display here for ALL to enjoy... and just to really drive the point home... wasn't it the Vulcan (for all you Trek only fans) acronym IDIC and the goal behind that that sums this up the best: Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations... or something like that?
keep the great ships coming, no matter what genre they come from!!!!