Babylon 5 Battleship Babylon 5 Battleship

(9 votes)
Unknown / Anonymous, 2002-06-28

A nicely done ship to add to armada2 but it is neccasary to edit the tech tree so that it can build

Version    Author  Unknown / Anonymous  Website   
Downloads  2,307  Size  80.25 KB  Created  2002-06-28 



#1 Adrune 2002-11-02 04:25
:thumbsup: The lack of picture is dissapointing. I dl dis and Installed it. Wow 8) go get the B'Quan {see other Babylon V dl } to get the full set.
#2 AdmiralQ 2002-11-04 09:39
Get a PIC!!!!!!!!
#3 temix 2004-07-20 06:37
When i build narn ship my star trek armada crash

What i do wrong
#4 temix 2004-07-20 06:38
When i build narn ship my star trek armada crash

What i do wrong
#5 Karle94 2007-04-26 07:08
The problem is that you dont have the weapon the ship uses
#6 cardassio 2008-02-13 11:40
How do I add or edit the tech tree so that you can build it?

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