TOS Sensor Array (MESH ONLY!) TOS Sensor Array (MESH ONLY!)

(1 vote)
USS_Miranda, 2008-05-01

Well.... I have no idea what USS_Miranda is thinking with this one, but here goes.

This is a mesh. No texture. No hardpoints. None of the stuff we typically ask for in a mod.

In fact, it's not technically a mod at all. You can't use this in-game. You can only really use this in MilkShape, for now.

The mesh is for a "TOS Sensor Array". No idea why it has to be 14,000+ poly. Most sensor arrays are less than a thousand (at most a few hundred) poly, but this one is several orders of magnitude larger.

Worst of all, to my mind, is that it comes without a screen shot. Now, I don't know what you're thinking, if you've read all that.... but you're probably asking, "why go through all that effort with a mesh and not follow through?" That's what I'm asking right about now.

Your mileage may vary. If you want it, come and claim a copy. But again: this is NOT A MOD, it is ONLY A MESH, and no, there's NO SCREENSHOT to accompany it. Please note those facts before you click 'download'.


The Original Series Sensor Array

Hey everyone,
This is one of 2 TOS stations i will be releasing. This is my Original Series Sensor Array. Its only a mesh. There are no texture. The poly is 14,392 which is high for a station. Its in ms3d format. A program which can import ms3d format files is required. You may use this in your mod but please contact me before hand and credit me.

Thanks and Enjoy!


Version    Author  USS_Miranda  Website   
Downloads  105  Size  291.62 KB  Created  2008-05-01 



#1 Avon 2008-05-01 17:22
A good start, although it's a little basic for such a high poly count. A simple run through the directX mesh tools, and I wacked it down to 1700 polys without any obvious loss in detail. With a bit of effort you could probably half that again. It's not my cup of tea, but a good start, if a little useless without a texture
#2 ameba 2008-05-02 12:49
well avon, lets replace this with your reduced version and we got a start... honestly, why release this at all? this is something for the forum, not for the download section....

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