Kansas-Class Kansas-Class

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captkirk222, 2010-11-21

Real-world Description

This is the mesh for the Kansas-Class, specifically the USS Kansas NX-75000. There are two versions included, a high quality
one and a medium quality one. This is an idea that I had for a post-nemesis Federation starship. I designed her to be a
light battleship, but in keeping with
Starfleet tradition, I class her as a heavy cruiser. The general specifications are that she is about
as long as a Sovereign-Class and made to resemble late 23rd century styling.

Real-world Description

This is the mesh for the Kansas-Class, specifically the USS Kansas NX-75000. There are two versions included, a high quality
one and a medium quality one. This is an idea that I had for a post-nemesis Federation starship. I designed her to be a
light battleship, but in keeping with
Starfleet tradition, I class her as a heavy cruiser. The general specifications are that she is about
as long as a Sovereign-Class and made to resemble late 23rd century styling. A mesh for a bridge for this class
is in the works and should be uploaded next week.

Star Trek Universe Backstory
Designed in 2378, the Kansas-Class was designed to fill the multi-mission capability role that has been
previously held by such designs as the Galaxy-Class or the Constitution-Class. Designated as a heavy cruiser,
it is in fact, comparable to many light battleships or battlecruisers. The USS Kansas is slated to be completed
by early 2379, and is meant to compliment the Galaxy-Class and Sovereign-Class in service. The main focus
of the design is adaptability to multiple mission types and ability to defend itself and serve as a heavy cruiser
when called upon to do so. The projected 12 ships of the Kansas-Class will carry the finest traditions of
StarFleet well into the 25th century. One interesting point about the design of the Kansas-Class
is that the designer wanted to re-create the styling of the grand old ships of the late 23rd century
with modern technology. The Kansas also introduces a revolutionary new type of torpedo launcher the launches
any type of standard StarFleet torpedo at Quantum Slipstream speeds towards a target using a special type
of deflector pulse generator built right into the torpedo launchers. The only disadvantage to this is that
the torpedo tubes must be constructed far larger than the standard torpedo tubes commonly found on Federation
starships and this requires a large amount of internal space, meaning that many of the smaller ships in the
fleet are not compatible with this technology at its current level of development. The class also introduces
a new warp nacelle design incorporating two smaller nacelles into the main nacelles to help boost efficiency
at higher warp speeds.

Usage Stuff
You may use this in any mods or other projects as long as credit is given to the designer, also known as ME.
If need be you may alter the mesh to fit your ideas for the design, but out of personal preference I would like
to see this as close as possible to the original.

Legal Stuff
This is not made, supported, or distributed by Activision TM or Paramount.

Version  1.0  Author  captkirk222  Website   
Downloads  223  Size  2.27 MB  Created  2010-11-21 



#1 captkirk222 2010-11-21 06:46
Two things I forgot to put in the readme: 1- This is in .3Ds format, 2- Ignore the part about the bridge mesh as I originally made this for Bridge Commander and simply used the same readme to simplify things.
#2 Majestic_MSFC 2010-11-21 15:25
Actually it's in max format, not 3ds. If it was in 3ds I would have taken a look.
#3 mardlin 2010-11-21 21:40
looks like a greatly modified constitution class
#4 captkirk222 2010-11-22 20:28
Sorry about the filename mix-up. And @#3, I did partially base it on a Constitution-type design.
#5 don_quijote 2010-11-25 09:32
looks great. i wished somebody would make a complete mod on it with textures buildbuttons, admirals pics and so on........ as a christmas present to the community maybe :D
#6 captkirk222 2010-11-25 15:42
I would like to see that too, but I don't have the necessary skill and experience yet, so I put it up for someone more knowledgeable than myself to finish.

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