Transcoherent Phaser Transcoherent Phaser

(9 votes)
Cygnis Prime, 2002-08-12

This is a nice looking weapon by Cygnis Prime.

Thank you for downloading this weapon,
This is instructions (like always) on how to install this baby!

1.) Place all the files in the correct folders...
a) All the .odf files in the
Star Trek Armada II\\odf\\weapons\\phaser folder
b) All the TGA files in the
Star Trek Armada II\\textures\\RGB folder
c) The .WAV file in the
Star Trek Armada II\\sounds\\effects folder
d) The .spr file in the
Star Trek Armada II\\sprites folder
If you have altered/replaced the weapon.spr file before,
you shouldn\'t replace the file! Just simply add:

# Transcoherent Phaser Array
transco transphas 0 0 128 32 @anim=tex1x4

Write this DIRECTLY under the line that reads:

# Romulan phaser
rphaser Wromphaser 0 0 128 32 @anim=tex1x4

So it SHOULD look like this:

# Romulan phaser
rphaser Wromphaser 0 0 128 32 @anim=tex1x4

# Transcoherent Phaser Array
transco transphas 0 0 128 32 @anim=tex1x4

2.) Add in under the weapons section of ANY ship:

weapon# = \"tphas\"
weaponHardpoints# = \"hp01\"

(Remember to replace the # with the apropriate numbers.)

And that\'s it!

Any questions?

~ Cygnis Prime ~

Version    Author  Cygnis Prime  Website   
Downloads  816  Size  71.41 KB  Created  2002-08-12 


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