Stargate Atlantis Drone
This is the Stargate Atlantis Drone, personally I think it looks a little bright compared to the ones seen in the show, but that's just me

Stargate Ancient Drone Weapon
Hi there in this zip you will find two versions of the Drone weapon. Both have the same damage and are the same size, but one is brighter than the other.
Add the following to the odf/weapons/pulse folder.
Add the following to the sprites/weapons.spr file under the @reference=256
@tmaterial=additive line.
# Drone Weapon
wdrone wdrone 0 0 256 64 @anim=tex1x4
# Drone Weapon
wdrone2 wdrone2 0 0 256 64 @anim=tex1x4
This lines of code should be near the Accelerator Cannon and Tech Assimilator Beam sprites.
The last thing to do is add the wdrone.tga and the wdrone2.tga into the textures/rgb folder and add the weapon to a ship and bang off you go.
Textures created by draconis_sharp, these weapons wouldn't be possible without his work so thanks mate.
Everything else by me Majestic/Majest.
If you need to contact me, visit the filefront forms and pm me Majest.
Or you can contact me at where I am creating the Parallels mod which these drones weapons will appear in.
Or you can email me at
Do not use these in a public mod without getting draconis_sharp's permission to use the textures. You can use my odf's (and edit them) as long as you notify me and ask.
Myself (Majestic/Majest) and draconis_sharp are not responsible for any unlikely damage that this may cause to your PC. This file is not supported by Mad Doc or Activision so please do not contact them about this.
If you want to change the size of the drones edit the following in the droneo.odf and drone2o.odf
Length = 10.0
Radius = 2.5
Version | Author | Majestic | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,347 | Size | 410.96 KB | Created | 2006-08-05 |
id make it a click to fire weapon so it doesnt go auto firing the 10000 dornes untill u want it to
oh and final suggestion, maybe make it like the chain reaction weapon just so it looks like the drones do in the series where they move to different targets