Repair Wave
Another stunning weapon by Aggie

Hey Trekies,
This is an addition to my Ships Systems Wave Weapons.
I tested these files using a stock version with the Star Trek: Armada II Patch 1.1 Official Release.
HINT--> Make sure the ship you add the weapon to has at least 1000 special energy, or the weapon won't fire.
Here is the 8th Wave Weapon
Ship Repair Wave-----> Repairs allied ships.
This Wave will repair all damaged ship systems and shield strength of allied ships to full power.
It will NOT repair hull strength, or systems disabled by other special weapons.
Repairs only damage done by conventional weapons.
(Sorry, but I think this was programed by the original programmers.)
Place the *.tga files in the textures\rgb\ folder
Place the *.odf files in the odf\special_weapons\ folder
Place this at the bottom of the file.
gWrepairwave.odf 0 // Repair Wave
Place this with the other weapon build buttons in the gui_global.spr file
b_gWrepairwave gWrepairwave 0 0 64 64
To Place on a ship, pick the weapon you want to add to a ships odf file.
Place the weapon information in the weapons section of the ships odf file, Where the X stands for the next available weapon slot, and the XX stands for the hardpoint of your choice.
// Repair Wave
weaponX = "gWrepairwave"
weaponHardpointsX = "hpXX"
The wave textures and the build buttons were edited from stock textures.
(If anyone can teach me how to make my own textures PLEASE HELP!!!)
e-mail -->
Version | Author | TexasAggie | Website | ||
Downloads | 344 | Size | 260.96 KB | Created | 2006-08-10 |
This is what I call a good special, I think I can use it to replace the Aegean original Special weapon
Good work! 10/10