Nuke and Missile
This is something.
This contains two weapons in one primarily for the Tau'ri (Humans) of the Stargate world. The first weapon, a missile, comes with all files (textures, sod, sounds etc.) and looks very nice. It would be best used for a generic low-grade race you might have installed. Failing that, Pre-TOS/ENT era ships would probably make good use of it. You could also have it as a heavy missile special weapon for a ship. You get the idea though that it has a lot of options. The missile has a good shape to it and the textures fit it well, all in all, a good job.
The next weapon, of the transporting nuke I think is fantastic. Set to travel at a fast speed with a blank sod, the weapon should penetrate the enemy hull and cause extensive/fatal damage. Again, the possibilities are wide open. You could have a Tau'ri ship have a special weapon allowing it to transport a limited amount of Nuke's onboard enemy craft or have it on a ship in a different universe, say a high-tech race which has it as a devastating standard weapon. Pure carnage...we like carnage here and with this, you most certainly will to.
Extended readme's providing the needed installation instructions are included in the dual-weapon pack, which really does make for a fantastic download. Get it now.
Two Tau'ri Weapons
-=Beam'uh Nuke=- & -=Launch'uh Nuke=-
Everything's here, but you'll need to add certain lines to your sprite files.
Further instructions are enclosed...
...DO NOT extract directly into your A2 folder or you will be disappointed!!!
Jeffery Drake (aka, draconis_sharp)
Version | Author | draconis_sharp | Website | ||
Downloads | 775 | Size | 440.11 KB | Created | 2006-08-23 |
i tried the missile and it is firing the spider cubes, i tried the basename thing but it didn't work
#6 - Posted by: wraith_shadow (Member) on 08-26-2006 at 20:41
Yeah, I just installed it on my stargate ship, and I get the assimview default image. Please get back to us on this one.
in the readme it asks you to add some lines to the emiter.spr,in the sprite folder.the lines you need to add are directly underneath,add those to the emiter file somewhere in the middle and it should work.
and i would like to ask you something draconis,i have added everything perfect,and it works like a charm,but as it hits the ship it is used against,it doesnt damage the sheilds,only the hull,i tried putting the ignore shield=1 to a 0 but it didnt work,i tried coverting it into somethign like a torpedo odf,but it started to do no damage at all,can you help me?
and whats with the max amount of damage?
it is set to two,but it destroys a starbase in two shots.
i dotn care about this,i can set it to 0.5,but the hull damage thing,i would like
you to help me do shield damage and not hull damage until there is no shields.
Top man!!!!!!!
The model by itself will not do damage so a small torpedo with same physics must be fired from the same hitpoint for actual damage to take place
I put this on both my Stargate ship and my Halo ships
//Photon Torpedo
weaponx = "tvlaunch"
weaponHardpointsx = "hpxx"
I have tryed this
// Nuclear Warhead
weaponx = "ttransnuke"
weaponHardpointsx= "hpxx" but it didn`t work
// Nuclear Warhead
weaponx = "ttransnuke"
weaponHardpointsx = "hpx" to a ship and you have addead the nuke to a ship.Enjoy the destruction.