Multi-Targeting Transphasic Torpedoes Multi-Targeting Transphasic Torpedoes

(4 votes)
chris5110uk2k, 2002-11-24

From the Readme:
It is like the chain reactor pulsar that the Akira uses but this one fires...yes multi target Transphaisic
torpedos at the Ememys!! Just one of these can destroy and enemys base and fleet, so beware!

Hi, Chris5110uk2k here.

This is a weapon i thought of and might be included in the Resistance MOD!

It is like the chain reactor pulsar that the Akira uses but this one fires...yes multi target Transphaisic
torpedos at the Ememys!! Just one of these can destroy and enemys base and fleet, so beware!

--How to install--
1)Ok pretty easy, just click unzip in winzip and the files will be placed in the correct place
for you!

2)Now go to you armada directry and find a folder called 'Sprites', open it and select the
file called 'gui_global' (use notepad to open) now scroll down the list untill you see the

# Special weapon buttons


b_hremod hremod00 0 0 64 64
b_hoverrid hcompovr00 0 0 64 64
b_hutribm hutritium00 0 0 64 64

Basicly this tells the game what build button the specific weapon uses! Now your close,
scroll down a bit more untill you reach the bottom of the list and add the following:

b_gmultitrans gbpolrntrp00 0 0 64 64

3)Now go to your Armada Directry again and find a floder called 'Techtree' open it and find
the following file: 'tech1' and open. Open it and you will find a list seperated into sections
now find the section below this heading:

// ***[ FEDERATION SPECIAL WEAPONS ]**************

And add the following to the bottom of the items under the heading:

gmultitrans.odf 0

Now go find the file, in the same folder called: 'fulltech' Open it and you will see a big long
list with no breaks, so what you need to do is just add the following at the top of the

gmultitrans.odf 0

4)Ok now the game knows you can build it, and now you need a ship to be able to use the
weapon, so go into you armada directry and fins the folder called 'ODF' open it and
select the file called 'Ships' Now find a ship file you want to add the weapon to,and open it
Ok, scroll down untill you see the following:


Now there should be a list of weapons, like this:

// phaser
weapon1 = "fbphas"
weaponHardpoints1 = "hp01" "hp02" "hp03" "hp04" "hp05" "hp26" "hp27" "hp28"

// Photon torpedos
weapon2 = "fbattlephot"
weaponHardpoints2 = "hp29" "hp30" "hp31" "hp32" "hp32" "hp33"

All you need to do is look at the last weapon in the list, which is 'fbattlephot'. Now look
its says:'weapon2' this means it is the second weapon in the line of weapons, and also
it says 'weaponHardpoints2' now the number at the end of weaponhardpoints MUST always be
the same as the weapon number, so if you add a 3rd weapon to the list you would have to make
it so the weapon=3 and the weapon hardpoint=3, like this:

// Photon torpedos
weapon3 = "fbattlephot"
weaponHardpoints3 = "hp29" "hp30" "hp31" "hp32" "hp32" "hp33"

Also you can give it different hardpoints, the hard points determine where from the ship the
weapon is firing...any way, this is how you install my weapons add the following text
at the bottom of the weapons list:

// Multi Transtorpedo
weapon# = "gmultitrans"
weaponHardpoints# = "hp##"

Now all you need to do is change the weapon number, the weaponHardpoints and the HP's
It is pritty simple.

5)Ok, last thing, you must check that the ship your adding the weapon too can actually use
special weapons, this is pretty simple, just look for the following line in the ship odf

//Maximum Value of Special Energy
maxSpecialEnergy = 1000

//Rate at which special energy recharges (points per second... we think)
specialEnergyRate = 10

If it is not in the file add it
If the 'maxSpecialEnergy' = 0, change it to 1000

OK thats about it, hope my special weapon instalation guide helped you, and enjoy!

Version    Author  chris5110uk2k  Website   
Downloads  1,131  Size  3.78 KB  Created  2002-11-24 



#11 Odd_sock 2005-03-31 23:38
i like :donut: i like :donut: this mod has a :thumbsup:
#12 stock_man 2005-03-31 23:38
homer simpson loves :donut: and Drink

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