Goauld Weapon Goauld Weapon

(1 vote)
Cameron06, 2006-05-15

Well, this appears to be a simple weapon from the Stargate side of Sci-fi. Although this may go well with a Trek ship, I see it coming in quite useful with some Stargate MODs throughout time.


This is a Stargate Related Weapon. It is a Goa'uld Ship Weapon.
I cloned it from the ctpulse.odf. The only change is it has a different name and has a Staff
Weapon sound.

Installation Instructions:

1. Add the goauldpulse.odf to the odf/weapons/pulse folder

2. Add the goauldfire.wav to the sounds/effects folder

3. To use it go into a ship/station odf and go to the Weapons section and add this to the
bottom of it

weaponXX = "goauldpulse"
weaponHardpointsXX = "hpXX"

WeaponXX = XX meaning the weapon number that is next in the line.
weaponhardpointsXX = XX meaning the weapon numbers hardpoints.
weaponHardpointsXX = "hpXX" = "hpXX" = XX meaning the hardpoint number it comes from if
you are using a hp number that is one digit eg.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. it must be hp0X.

Goa'uld Weapon sound and file created by me Cameron.

Version    Author  Cameron06  Website   
Downloads  610  Size  34.52 KB  Created  2006-05-15 



#1 willsk8forfood15 2006-05-15 18:39
I would like to see some pics on this'ne.
#2 LordJaguar 2006-09-07 21:26
I found a better sound for this weapon then the one provided. Recorded right off the series. If you want it email me at
#3 Karle94 2007-04-01 11:13
The weapon is great bt the sound is a little weird.

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