Assault Phasers Assault Phasers

(9 votes)
scimifan, 2008-11-26

Pretty awesome attempt by scimifan to give us a working assault phaser. Those of you who have played Klingon Academy will recognize this one right away. And just look at that screenshot. It'll terrify you if you're a Starfleet player like myself, 'cause the sight of THAT bearing down on you will make you wish your shields were stronger.

A spectacular weapon for whatever ship you'd like.


Datei zum Angriffsphaser:

Das ist KEINE zusätzliche SpezialWaffe. Diese Waffe feuert automatisch.

Diese Datei enthält:

Texture-Dateien: wphaser.tga,

SOD-Dateien: keine

odf-Dateien: kaphas.odf,

Sounddateien: Ph4Disc6.wav


!!Macht sicherheitskopien von euren bereits bestehenden Dateien!!

Alle tga-Dateien in Textures --> RGB kopieren

Alle Sound-Dateien in den Sounds --> effects

Dann kaphas.odf, kaphaso.odf, faphas.odf, faphaso.odf, .odf in: odf --> Phasers

Geht dann in den Sprite Ordner und öffnet die Datei "Weapon" und setzt diese Zeilen unter @reference 128 ein


# Red phaser
rdphaser Wphaser 0 65 128 21

# Blue phaser
blphaser Wphaser 0 86 128 21

(Diese sollten aber standardmäßig bereits schon drin sein)
Zum Schluss kopriert folgende zeilen in eine Schiffsdatei, zu finden unter odf-->ships

weaponXX = "kaphas"
weaponHardpointsXX = "hpXX"

weaponXX = "faphas"
weaponHardpointsXX = "hpXX"
odf-Dateien - von Mir

Sounds - 14°East (SFC)

Wphaser.tga, - Activision

Ich übernehme keine Haftung und/oder verantwortung für evtl. entstandene Schäden an Euren Rechnern.
Also viel Spass.

Texture-Files: wphaser.tga,

SOD-Files: none

odf-Files: kaphas.odf,

Soundfiles: Ph4Disc6.wav



!!Save your current Files at first!!

All tga-files into Textures --> RGB

All Sound-files into Sounds --> effects

Then kaphas.odf, kaphaso.odf, faphas.odf, faphaso.odf, into: odf --> Phasers


Search for the Sprite directory. Find the file "Weapon" in it and open it. Copy the following lines somewhere under @reference=128


# Red phaser
rdphaser Wphaser 0 65 128 21

# Blue phaser
blphaser Wphaser 0 86 128 21

(This should be in it already. It is from the orginal version of A2)


Zum Schluss kopriert folgende zeilen in eine Schiffsdatei, zu finden unter odf-->ships

weaponXX = "kaphas"
weaponHardpointsXX = "hpXX"

weaponXX = "faphas"
weaponHardpointsXX = "hpXX"

odf-Dateien - by me

Sounds - 14°East (SFC)

Wphaser.tga, - Activision

I will not be responsible for eventually caused damage to you PC.
So have fun with it.

Version    Author  scimifan  Website   
Downloads  346  Size  101.49 KB  Created  2008-11-26 



#1 _dEjavU_ 2008-11-26 18:44
Wow!! :o ! Five different languages(this guy don't mess around!) Awesome mod scimifan :thumbsup: well done. What Klingon ship is that on the picture by the way?
#2 scimifan 2008-11-26 23:58
Thanks alot!

It's the Che'Var battle cruiser. Its part of the 'avon_shippack'.

(It was thought to be a bit more than the Negh'var. But for my personally Armada I made it a Superwarship with 209 single weaponsystems :D )
#3 ameba 2008-11-27 07:07
scimifan - maybe a translation of the readme would do good to the download-numbers of this cool mod. danke :-)
#4 ameba 2008-11-27 07:08
heck I should have read the second part as well - could some please delete both? I am ashamed :-)
#5 dan1025 2008-11-27 08:40
Great mod, worth a download :-)
#6 Avon 2008-11-27 11:16
Cool. Some decent weapons for my ship, good job ;-)
#7 Terra_Inc 2008-11-27 11:50
This is really great. And also an inspiration for a weapon modder like me.
#8 scimifan 2008-12-18 08:35
Thanks for all your comments! Does someone know how to extract the orginal Assaultphaser sound from klingon academy?

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