Artillery Torpedo Artillery Torpedo

(2 votes)
Raygen, 2006-09-24

From the Mail:

The file i am sending you includes an Artillery Torpedo , a demonstration of the weapon (Kulinor Gunship) and the firing sound of the weapon (xlarge2.wav).
Quite a basic MOD (of some sort) that from what I can gather adds a new weapon to the game.

It says that there is a ship attached, yet there is no .SOD, in addition, this doesn't come with any screenshots either.



Thank you for downloading this file.

1.The Torpedo itself
2.(Included)Kulinor Gunship
6.Make your own Gunship

1.The Torpedo itself
I came up with the idea of making a long range torpedo
when i thought of a kind of gunship for Armada II.
This torpedo does excessive damage to a ship or station.
An Warbird, for example, can be destroyed with one shot.
But it has a long reloading time and, because it has to
travel a very long distance, when a ship is destroyed,
other torpedoes still were to hit that target, so they
just don't hit anything when their primary target was
destroyed. They move slower too. It comes with a very
nice firing sound.

2. (Included)Kulinor Gunship
The Kulinor Gunship is my own demonstration of the
weapons capibility's. The Kulinor Gunship has no special
ability's to balance the power it has gained. The torpedo
fires from the main cannon, wich i think looks nice.
A good tactic is to let a cloaked ship fly into an enemy
base, and the Kulinor Gunship begins firing instantly at
an random target.

Be sure to make a backup of the standard cspecial.odf
that can be found in your Armada II\odf\ships folder.
Then you can begin the installation:
cspecial .odf into ArmadaII\odf\ships folder
fbattlephot2 .odf into ArmadaII\odf\weapons folder
fbattlephot2o .odf into ArmadaII\odf\weapons folder
xlarge2 .wav into ArmadaII\sounds\effects folder

Installation Complete. Have fun!

Raygen : Artillery Torpedo and Kulinor Gunship
Armada 2: Fleet Ops : xlarge2.wav sound
Activison : General game

-None so far
If you have spotted a bug, E-Mail me:

6.Make your own Gunship
If you want to add this Torpedo to a ship, do the following:
Open up a ships .odf file (in your Armada II\odf\ships folder)
fdestroy2.odf for example, wich is the Federation Sabre Class.
Find the lines:


// Pulse Phaser
weapon1 = "d2phas"
weaponHardpoints1 = "hp01" "hp02" "hp03"

// Photon Torpedo
weapon2 = "fdphot"
weaponHardpoints2 = "hp04" "hp05"

You can do two things:
OR change "fdphot" to "fbattlephot2"
OR add the following:

// Photon Torpedo
weapon3 = "fbattlephot2"
weaponHardpoints3 = "hp**" (where ** is the Hardpoint of your choice).

Save the file and close it. You now just converted the Sabre into an Gunship!
If you want to restore the Sabre back into it's normal state later, backup
the file fdestroy2.odf.

Version  1.0  Author  Raygen  Website   
Downloads  378  Size  4.37 KB  Created  2006-09-24 



#1 Raygen 2006-09-25 07:28
It includes no .SOD because the Kulinor Gunship uses the same model as the Kulinor itself does.

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