Advanced Weapons Pack
It is not very often that you see a weapons pack for Armada 2 anymore, but every once in a while, a developer comes up with a new one. Usually, these are very alike and boring. This isn't. All of these weapons are origional and unique, and the pack is worth a download. Take a look at the Readme for more details on what's included, and then downolad.
Advanced And Unincluded Technologies Pack
by Sherman2
This is a pack of equipment the wasn't used or never included in the game
bshieldbust.odf = Borg Shield Breaking Torpedo
snipe.odf = Extreme Range Phaser
gprobe.odf = Probe Launcher
gcobreach.odf = Containment Breach
gphaserEx.odf = Phaser Extender
grvitorp.odf = Gravimetric Torpedo
gmag.odf = Diamagnetic Nebula
prmgate.odf = Temporal Drive
trans.odf = Transphasic Torpedo Launcher
QuantumPhase.odf = Quantum Phase Torpedos
some of these I came up with my self others
I just found in the odf/special_weapons folder
and modified them.
either way their all cool
and fun to use.
enough chit chat installation and credits are as follows
.tga files in textures/rgb
.wav files in sounds/effects
.odf files in odf/special_weapons
bengtorp bengtorp 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4
probe probe 0 0 128 128
transphot transphot 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4
into weapon.spr
gmag.odf 0
prmgate.odf 0
gprobe.odf 0
gcobreach.odf 0
trans.odf 0
gphaserEx.odf 0
b_gmag gbgmeg 0 0 64 64
b_prmgate gbprmgate 0 0 64 64
b_gprobe gbprobe 0 0 64 64
b_gcobreach gbgcobreach 0 0 64 64
b_trans gbtranstorp 0 0 64 64
b_gphaserEx gbfexteder 0 0 64 64
into gui_glodal.spr
Borg Shield Breaking Torpedo = Already Existed
Extreme Range Phaser = me
Probe Launcher = Already Existed
Containment Breach = Already Existed
Phaser Extender = me
Gravimetric Torpedo = me
Diamagnetic Nebula = me
Temporal Drive = me
Transphasic Torpedo Launcher = me
Quantum Phase Torpedos = me
if you want to use this in your own mod feel free but give me credit.
Have Fun!!!
on an off note the probe lancher already existed in the program it just didn't have odf's who knows what else existes that we don't even know is there.
Version | 1.0 | Author | Sherman2 | Website | |
Downloads | 2,894 | Size | 223.73 KB | Created | 2004-09-22 |