Andromeda Mod
This is a conversion of the Andromeda Mod from Armada 1. From the Readme:
Quote:The ships look like the ones from series. Good Job Wraith!
After downloading and playing the Andromeda Mod on A1 just
weeks before starting this. I decided that A2 doesn't have
enough Mods yet. Of course I'm used to doing my own Mods for
myself , this time I decided I could convert the Andromeda
race over to A2 for the public. Most(not all) of the ships are
cannon, however the stations are not. Since I don't make ships
or stations myself. This proved to be a little hard on me.
Most of the stations were stolen from the Federation. I
still had missing wireframes and buttons (sorry). On the ships
rather then have missing wireframes , I just copied the same
one over (better then none) , plus they all almost look the same.
If anyone wants to improve this Mod and re-release it...go for it.
I don't claim this to be the best Mod nor did I try for it
to be. I just wanted to introduce Andromeda into A2. Although
I don't mind helpful comments or even minor complaints , please
refrain from whinning.
You can discuss the mod Here
Andromeda conversion for A2
by Warborg
This read-me file will be in several sections:
1) A basic introduction
2) Installation instructions
3) Misc. information
4) Credits
5) Legal stuff
I. Introduction
After downloading and playing the Andromeda Mod on A1 just
weeks before starting this. I decided that A2 doesn't have
enough Mods yet. Of course I'm used to doing my own Mods for
myself , this time I decided I could convert the Andromeda
race over to A2 for the public. Most(not all) of the ships are
cannon, however the stations are not. Since I don't make ships
or stations myself. This proved to be a little hard on me.
Most of the stations were stolen from the Federation. I
still had missing wireframes and buttons (sorry). On the ships
rather then have missing wireframes , I just copied the same
one over (better then none) , plus they all almost look the same.
If anyone wants to improve this Mod and re-release it...go for it.
I don't claim this to be the best Mod nor did I try for it
to be. I just wanted to introduce Andromeda into A2. Although
I don't mind helpful comments or even minor complaints , please
refrain from whinning.
For those who want a story line, read-on:
The Andromeda race entered into Federation space through a
rift in space , after the rift was closed the Andromeda race
was now trapped...they allied themselves with the Federation ,
where they got blueprints to some of their stations and ship designs.
Because of their desire to get back to their own space the Andromeda
race has drifted away from the Federation and become their own
race. Even though still mainly allied with the Federation
they have had they own problems with them. If the Andromeda
race feels that being partners with any other race will
help them get home faster , then they ally themselves with them.
II. Installation Instructions
NOTE: Because this Mod has options , everyone (even Modders)
will need to pay close attention here. I will have the standard
folders that will have to be copied and pasted no matter what
option you choose. Then you will have choose what option
you want to finish and complete your installation.
1) Standard folders:
a) Open all the odf, Ai , Sod , Sprites , techtree , bitmaps ,
misc , and tga folders until you come to the files , copy and
paste them to your game in the same places. If it asks you to's ok , click yes(this is for all files in this mod).
b)Sounds does have options also. I have several musics for
in the game
1)) Music
aa) Just the Andromeda theme song - good but annoying after time
bb) Old Klingon Battle cry - Good beat, but is soft (not loud)
cc) Federation - good but feds
These should be easy to change , open the folder you want. Copy
and paste it to the correct folder. If you want to change. come
back to this mod and copy and paste another choice or even put
your own in.
2)) Open the voiceover and copy and paste this file.
c) Copy events and the main folder).
e) Here's another option , if your tired of the officier limit
copy and paste the RTS_CFG to your main folder. I set the officier
limit to 9999
2) The Dominion option:
A) With the Dominion:
If you have the Dominion and only the Dominion add-on.
(as a race already) choose the with the Dominion folder.
Open these folders and copy and paste in the correct places.
Note: If you added races along with the dominion this may not work.
2nd Note: My mod is only known to work with the Dominion clan's
mod. I don't believe there would be problems with other
Dominion mod add ons , however I just don't know
(try it at your own risk).
3rd Note: Also my Mod will only work with the Dominion , IF
the dominion mod was added first. Which means you can't
choose this option and add the Dominion later (unless you
really know what you are doing).
B) Without the Dominion:
Open the folders and copy and paste them to the proper places.
Now that the game can run. Here's a total add-on option not
needed , however , for better game play and more fun, I recomend it.
(Do not use it if you have already Modded the Feds)
3) The Fed add on:
The same for this as others: Open the folders and copy and paste
them to the proper places.
FINAL INSTRUCTION - I recommend re-starting your computer after
placing everything. Several times throughout programming this
game , I had to re-start the computer for the changes to take
III. Misc information
Known bugs
1) Of course , missing wireframes or not a perfect match.
2) Ships will not fire on the Planets(game will still end).
3) The Andromeda symbol is not working in Admiral's log.
Here's some that are not bugs:
1) Nova bomb will not lock on a target.
2) There is no Trading station. So don't waste your miners on
latinium collecting. Fear not though, you can still empty
your miners, so they are not stuck with it.
3) Nothing needs to be researched. Just build the research
An asked question : "Will there be a patch?"
To be honest I don't know. I guess it depends on the response
I get.
The first credit has to go to Wraith for creating the
orginal Andromeda mod and ships. Also with his thanks
goes to Thunderst for helping him.
Next, I will break it down to ship to ship , station to station
The Andromeda base - done by Capt fingers
The construction ship - done by Ben Maxwell
Yard I - done by Bryan
Yard II - done by Ben Maxwell
Research Station - Original Armada
Frighter - done by Capt Fingers
Colony ship - done by Bryan
Fed Starbase - Nine of nine
Wireframes - Dawn and Wraith
and the rest - done by Wraith
If I left anyone off or made an error , please let me
know so I can correct my error. Thank you everyone who
worked on these models. I tried to pick models not well
known to the other races so they would be accepted better
as belonging to the Andromeda race , however sometimes I
didn't have much of a choice.
Legal Stuff
I in no way shape or form intended to steal anyone's ideas or
or work. I don't have a problem if anyone wants to use this mod
and change it and give it away. Just mention all the names above
in the credits...and me. This Mod shall not be sold in any manner.
Thank you.
Please email me at:
For Questions
Version | Author | Wraith(Converted By WarBorg) | Website | Website ![]() |
Downloads | 9,758 | Size | 11.71 MB | Created | 2002-08-02 |
@30, I didn't program the game for free missions... if you change the tech at all it will crash