LCARS loading & splash LCARS loading & splash

(3 votes)
don_quijote, 2010-11-10

This is a little pack containing LCARS style splash and loading screen images. They will replace the stock files.

This is a little pack containing LCARS style splash and loading screen images.

These are from my LCARS style menu concept i worked out, but what i had stoped.

Instal notes:

1. Copy the splash bmp image to your main directory Activision/Star Trek Armada 2. yes to overwrite qestion.
2. Copy all .tga files to Activision/Star Trek Armada 2/Textures/RGB
3. Done!

Version    Author  don_quijote  Website   
Downloads  303  Size  89.44 KB  Created  2010-11-10 


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